Chapter 2: Strange New World

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Our current story – like most stories – begins with a person.

This person is a frail baby girl with bright pink eyes and a few strands of hair visible on her head.

While this child lay in her crib, deeply contemplating her predicament, she came to a shocking realization –------- she must have been reborn!!

Now let us pause for a brief moment as I sense the reader might be somewhat confused.

Let me attempt to explain how she reached such an odd conclusion.

You see, dear reader, this child was not a child in mind but merely one in stature. 

She had once lived another life; yet, who and what she originally was she could not recall.

Presently, there were only two things vividly engraved in her mind. One was her original name and the other was the content of a book she had read – somewhere and sometime ages past.

At least, she presumed it had been a book since its recollection was so clear.

The girl was first unsure of why she could only remember these two things; however, after some careful consideration she deduced that both her name and the book must be... well... important and she was satisfied to leave it at that.

Sure enough, after a few moments she glanced up at the ceiling and realized how conveniently relevant memories seem to be within stories.

For spread across the ceiling was a giant symbol of a dragon holding a jewel close to its chest. 

This was the symbol of the country described within that book she had supposedly read – the country of Elysium.

Long ago the country was founded by a powerful Mage, dubbed 'the Ancient'. 

His son was believed to have been the very first Familiar.

Elysium, and every county like it, consisted of Commoners and Elites. The latter possess magical abilities given by the Mage, the former do not.

Now an Elite can either be a Familiar or a Warrior. 

The Warrior is a wielder of sorts, while the Familiar is more like the weapon being wielded.

At birth the Mage himself imparts to each its ability – as his spirit sees fit.

Firstly, let's look at Familiars. 

Quite the peculiar thing - they naturally tend to be easily aggravated and emotionally unstable. 

Their special ability is taking on the form of a specific mythical beast. They are also able to cast spells which fall within the element of that beast.

A Familiar can either be: a Dragon [whose element is wind], a Basilisk [who uses water], a Cerberus [uses fire], a Sphinx [uses earth], or a Unicorn [whose element is light – more commonly known as healing magic].

A DRAGON'S JEWEL: the Ancient Mage and the dark artsWhere stories live. Discover now