Chapter 2

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Elijah's POV:

I am in a terrible mood today. Mommy asked if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I didn't even know there was a wrong and a right side of the bed I just got out of bed to get ready for school. But I didn't tell her that, I just ignored her and went on with my day.

At school my best friend and future beta, Zander, wanted to play during lunch break, but I wasn't in the mood. We have been friends since I was born so he knew something was wrong with me today so he didn't bother me.

I don't know whats wrong with me either today, I didn't mean to be in a bad mood today. Something, a feeling in my mind just keeps bothering me today.

And now I also feel bad for ignoring my momma today because she packed my favourite cheese sandwich today for lunch AND she added an extra juice box. I love juice!

Momma and daddy calls me a juice junky but I don't care. Even alphas can drink juice, I see daddy drink juice most mornings with breakfast. And that yucky red stuff they say is made of grapes most nights with momma at dinner. But I tasted that and it does NOT taste like grape juice to ME! But they like this so called 'wine'. I'll stick to normal juice thank you.

The rest of the classes after lunch was just as boring as the ones before lunch. The only reason I still go to school is because daddy says I will need it to be a good alpha. And that it is a way to interact with my fellow pack members. I dont feel very interactive today.

After school my ghost like body drifts back to my daddy's office, I go there after school sometimes then he or his delta, Caleb, walk with me back home. I can see some of the pack pups playing around while walking back to the pack house, I don't bother with them too much today. Just a 'hello' or 'hey' every once in a while. Got to remember my manners.

While walking I spot my dad and his beta and some other people I don't recognize, and start making my way towards them.

When I get closer I spot the prettiest girl I've ever seen, and my mood is instantly better. She has this black hair that goes all the way to her bum. And even from meters away I can see her sky blue eyes. She looks so tiny, but she is the perfect size.

Suddenly she trips over a rock and falls. I instantly speed up to get to them quicker. As I get closer I smell the most amazing scent ever, vanilla like my favourite cake and strawberry like my favourite milkshake. I'm almost at the group of people and still no one is trying to help her up.

I can see that she is holding back some tears and I hear this small growl. It took me a second to realize the growl came from me, I've never made that sound before.

Rather than helping the pretty girl, the people just stood there. What is wrong with them? I growl another 'mine' before I am right by her side in seconds. I'm sure I've never moved that fast.

I scoop her up and hold her tight in my arms. I feel her whimper and flinch a bit so I loosen my grip, but I don't let her go. I keep her cradled to me, and she starts to tighten her tiny arms around my waist.

After a few minutes I look up from her pretty face to see all the adults, even my daddy just staring at us. I growl at them and they look at each other shocked.

I look at the pretty girl in my arms and whisper to her "Hello pretty girl, my name is Elijah, your okay now. What's your name?" Her little angel voice reply me also in a whisper "Hey Lijah, my name is Alana"

I pull her a little closer to my body and mumble 'pretty' into her hair. Because she is definitely the prettiest angel on earth.


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