
Fanfic Update
          	While I'm doing announcements, let's get the fanfics off my chest as well. 
          	I do believe I have 2 fanfic that are in progress/on hold:
          	1) Howl 3 (Derek Hale x OC)
          	2) The Element of Surprise (David Rossi x OC)
          	Thanks to all the readers who have been following these fics, voting on them, commenting, and adding them to their reading lists. It means the world to me! 
          	However, I've reached a point of my life where I've realized that I am capable of writing original books, and it's an amazing new journey that I'd like to explore. Currently, I'm in the beginning phase of writing a new original - I don't want to give out too many details yet as it's early days - and I also have an original book I'm planning on rewriting before publishing it on Wattpad. 
          	And goodness know, they keep me busy.
          	So for my fanfic readers out there, I deeply apologize for the wait and for the lack of updates. I honestly can't give you any hints or indications on when I'll be continuing them, but when I ever need a break from the originals and going back to my roots, I'll focus on them 100%. 
          	Thank you for your support and comments, you are some fine, ass-kicking, amazing people!


Hey @LisaMuller5 how are you I really love your howl 3 book. I’m looking forward to reading more 


@canderloro Perhaps, but it's too soon to say. I'm kinda over my Teen Wolf phase to be honest haha. Xoxo


@LisaMuller5 okay thanks for letting me know. Will you continue it in the future 


@canderloro Hi there! Thank you so much for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Unfortunately, I'm taking a break from writing fanfiction, but you're more than welcome to check out my other works or my original books (Alpha Charming and Cinder and Blood) if you'd like. xoxo


Hello. I just finished Alpha Charming!! Omg AMAZING! Is there going to be a sequel to the book??? If so what is it called and when will/is it out yet???


@AliciaSadler Hi there!! Oh my word, thank you so much for this message! I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. And...oh, alright, I guess I can let you in on a little secret. I'm working on a sequel as we speak, but it's still first draft only. But I'd say it will be out pretty soon. You can follow me on Insta if you like. I post all my news and updates on there: @authorlisa19


Will your story “The Element of Surprise” be updated soon? Not to be a bother.


@JUS_ARI Hi there! Unfortunately, no. Or at least not for a while. I'm trying to focus on writing original books these days. However, if I ever take a break from it, I will keep The Element of Surprise in mind if I want to continue a fanfiction. xoxo


Hi, I'm sorry if I am bothering you, but I was just wondering how you did your covers for your book? They are really good, and I have a hard time creating my own cover...


@Blue-Mushroom-Life Hi there! Thank you for liking my covers! I create them using Canva, although I have the premium subscribtion to get access to the cool stuff. I hope this helps. xoxo


Someone is trying to sell your work on under their own name. They are doing it to other authors too. 


@Sireeni I've found and followed the author of His Dragon King on Instagram and messaged them there, but they haven't responded yet. In the meantime, I've also left a comment on his Goodreads page telling people he's stolen the book and not to buy it. I hope we can get him banned.


@LisaMuller5 I’m glad to hear that! I’m working to get the other book removed as well. The real author of His Dragon King hasn’t been online in years, so I doubt that she is aware of this. I hope that Amazon will ban that seller for good!


@Sireeni Hi there! I just want to thank you once again for letting me know my book was stolen. Amazon already removed it from all of their sites. Goodreads however is taking their time, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve if they don't come through with some results soon.