
I have really struggled with not wanting to leave the world in my Lavender series behind but not having any new storyline ideas.  Well, my lovely readers, it has finally happened!  Inspiration struck and I have begun the rough first stages of a third installment!  This book will follow a different crew member from Ashima's ship so after the first chapter it will have entirely new characters and locations and could be read as a standalone. I'm SO excited about it!!!!
          	Stay tuned for updates.


@whodisnewreader I’m glad you’re excited! 
          	  I hate I can’t give a timeline yet, it’s in super early stages, barely more than just an idea at this point. But I had to share my excitement!


I can’t wait to go back to the world and see it from a new perspective 


I have really struggled with not wanting to leave the world in my Lavender series behind but not having any new storyline ideas.  Well, my lovely readers, it has finally happened!  Inspiration struck and I have begun the rough first stages of a third installment!  This book will follow a different crew member from Ashima's ship so after the first chapter it will have entirely new characters and locations and could be read as a standalone. I'm SO excited about it!!!!
          Stay tuned for updates.


@whodisnewreader I’m glad you’re excited! 
            I hate I can’t give a timeline yet, it’s in super early stages, barely more than just an idea at this point. But I had to share my excitement!


I can’t wait to go back to the world and see it from a new perspective 


I’ve been working on the sequel to my most recent book, Learning to Remember. 
          It’s funny that I seem to be strictly writing books in pairs! It’s not intentional!
          Anyway, the sequel as written now ended up being a much more serious tone, full of depression and learning to live and eventually heal after emotional trauma.  I love the overall idea of my first draft of this book but it is really rough around the edges. 
          So I’m taking a break from it for now so I can look at it with fresh eyes later on and hopefully come out with a better finished product. 
          In the meantime, I’ve been playing around with some other story ideas I’ve had over the past year. We’ll see if any of them stick!


I'm curious, would you rather have the last 10-15 chapters of a book posted one by one over the course of several weeks, or would you rather wait and have them posted to binge read all at once?   
          I have about 6 chapters of Lavender & Ice ready to go, just have to hit publish here in wattpad, but am still working on the final 5 or so chapters that will follow it.  Should I go ahead and publish what I have or wait and post them all at once?


@SnowfakesElegance I’m the exact same way on all of that. 
            I do have the rest of this book pretty much written out but in its roughest form. I’m actively working on editing it but I completely understand people wanting to wait and read it all at once. 


Hi, no problems. But that’s only my opinion. And I am exactly like you in that I generally prefer to read a completed story. Been caught too many times enjoying a great story/book and then the author just stops writing, discontinues it or puts it ‘on hiatus’ and it is totally frustrating never knowing its ending. Also, I’m the same when it comes to waiting for updates, especially when you get really engrossed in a story and have to wait for the next update. I’m too impatient and even wait for a tv series to at least finish a full season before watching it, heehee. I save ongoing works to my library, waiting and watching for progress - I’d rather be patient and wait for an author to complete their masterpiece before binging on it. Yours is included in my library but as I saw this message and know it’s close to its end and you have every intention of finishing it, it probably dive right in. Happy writing!


@SnowfakesElegance thanks so much for responding!
            I know what you mean, I prefer to binge read a book myself. I typically only start books that are finished or almost finished because waiting on updates is so hard for me!
            I think the two part upload is a good idea. 


Three new chapters have been posted to Lavender & Fire, the sequel to Lavender & Ice!
          It has taken much longer than planned to get new chapters posted but I had a plot issue I needed to work through while simultaneously my life has just been crazy busy. 
          I’ve finally worked through the issue I was having with one part of the story and hope to be able to post more chapters more quickly moving forward. 
          Thank you for your patience!