
this message may be offensive
Hi y'all. So I've been off for a few months already. I thought I'd be back up and writing by now but shit just keeps getting busier and busier. I'm smack in the middle of moving out, my job switched to full time, and I'm trying to open a business, which I'm taking a business class for. 
          	So basically what I'm tryna say is I'm going to go on hiatus for a bit to try and get my shit together, and since I don't really have the time to post rn anyways. 
          	Don't worry tho! I'm still jotting down ideas and moving the stories along as much as I can when I have the time, so that way when I come back I'll have plenty of content for y'all to read. Hopefully I won't be gone too long. Sorry guys
          	In the meantime HAPPY PRIDE!!!! 
          	Follow my insta @rileynixx16 if you wanna see the pride makeup imma do (I do special effects/costume makeup as a hobby)
          	And follow my inkitt (rileynixx16) or tapas (rileynixx) account if that's where you spend more time reading
          	Love y'all! Thanks for the support and patience! Read on fellow weirdos!!!


Hey. You said I could message you with any questions that I have and I am honestly mostly wondering about that way you think and how you feel about different things. And just how you go from day to day. With knowing what the media puts out about the condition is usually very bad and I just want to like hear about it and such. I was actually writing a book about a guy there is a sociopath there went out and turned into a serial killer but quickly scrapped the idea again because 1. I got lost in it 2. I didn’t want to feed into sociopaths being evil and such. But I would just love to know more about it in general 


@_Demon_wh0re_ Hi there. Sorry I haven't been online much because I've been crazy busy these days. I'm swamped rn buy I'll send you a reply over the weekend since I have time then. 
            Also thanks for wanting to learn about instead of assuming! It's appreciated!! :)


this message may be offensive
Hi y'all. So I've been off for a few months already. I thought I'd be back up and writing by now but shit just keeps getting busier and busier. I'm smack in the middle of moving out, my job switched to full time, and I'm trying to open a business, which I'm taking a business class for. 
          So basically what I'm tryna say is I'm going to go on hiatus for a bit to try and get my shit together, and since I don't really have the time to post rn anyways. 
          Don't worry tho! I'm still jotting down ideas and moving the stories along as much as I can when I have the time, so that way when I come back I'll have plenty of content for y'all to read. Hopefully I won't be gone too long. Sorry guys
          In the meantime HAPPY PRIDE!!!! 
          Follow my insta @rileynixx16 if you wanna see the pride makeup imma do (I do special effects/costume makeup as a hobby)
          And follow my inkitt (rileynixx16) or tapas (rileynixx) account if that's where you spend more time reading
          Love y'all! Thanks for the support and patience! Read on fellow weirdos!!!


I just saw ur comment on GayChicken ab how ur story is similar to theirs minus the gay LOL 
          ur comment is under review so i couldn’t answer but i wanted to say that it sounds amazing like straight out of a movie or this book for example HA
          also i’m glad ur still in contact with ur friend I hope you can see them soon! 5 years is such a long time i’m wishing the best for the both of u❤️


@RileyNixx yep! exactly how u said in comment LOL that’s truly a memorable story i’m glad u found ur person ❤️ (:


@th3neighborh0od Oh right! Lol it really is. We actually hated each other for the first 2 years we knew each other. We only hung out together bcs we had the same friends, and then as soon as I moved away we started messaging each other all the time. We're best friends now, practically sisters lol
            Thank you for the support!! :)


@RileyNixx u said that your relationship with your best friend was like the relationship between James and Casper minus the gay LOL and you said that you haven’t been able to see them but that you’re still in touch(:
            I hope you guys can see eachother again !


Hey weirdos! So big news. I know most of you guys follow me for Grimm or QMSO but for those of you who follow me for Bcrzy, it will be put on hiatus.
          This book is really important to me and I've been wanting to write it for years but now that I'm actually writing it, it's not coming out how I would like. So I'll be putting it on indefinite hiatus so that I can re-write the current chapters and re-organize/plot the next ones. 
          Please continue to follow me though. I don't plan on abandoning this book because, as I said, it's very important and personal to me.
          Thanks for understanding everyone ^~^
          Read on fellow weirdos!


Hey weirdos! So I updated Grimm. Sorry it wasn't on Friday like I planned, my wifi decided to have problems RIGHT after I posted my announcement and I only got it working again this morning. Anyway hope y'all enjoy the new chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it


Hey my dudes, dudettes and other peeps. I finally have a phone. Hoora! Imma post the next chapter for Grimm on Friday (at the end of the day). For real this time guys, no more delays, I'm posting for real this time I promise. Also I'm officially posting a new quot/poem everyday again starting today
          Still no promise on regularity (aside from QMSO obviously), that all depends on how well my creative juices are flowing 


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OKAY SO, good news guys, I'm buying a phone in the next few days and I'll be able to update when I say I will and way more often (still no promise on regularity tho bcs that depends on how fast I can get my ideas on paper). I have the next chapter for Grimm almost ready and I started another one for Beautiful Crazy (seriously I'm just gonna start referring to it as BCrz cuz fuck it). I'll put off posting till I get my phone bcs that way I can put images up too, and once I get my phone I'll get back to posting a new quote/poem every day.
          Oh and for all my new followers (bcs yayy I actually have those! XP) I swear my grammar and spelling and stuff is way better in my books than here. I'm just a lazy mofo when it comes to my announcements. Also THANKS FOR FOLLOWING ME <3<3<3


@RileyNixx gud..... Get one quick


Heyo, sorry I'm so late on my update for Grimm, I just finished moving in to my new place and during the move I had to disconnect my internet so I couldn't come online. I might still be a few more days before I post anything bcs I still have a ton of unpacking to do but I will have it up soon. Thanks for the patience guys, really.
          Seriously, someday I'll make myself a schedule and follow it....


Hey y'all. I'm in the process of writing the next chapter for Grimm rn and I should have it posted in the next few days. On a separate note, I just got new headphones today and if any of y'all are gamers or really into music or whatever, I suggest you buy them. And if you're an anime nerd like me you'll love this... they have light up kitty ears!! They the Razer Kraken Kitty edition and they are AWESOME. I can choose all the sound settings (surround sound, spatial, game, movie, music, custom), mic settings (which is retractable and lights up btw), light settings (color, cycling, pulsing, static) and choose if I want it to light up according to my music. Its a bit more expensive bcs of the light up ears but if you want slightly less expensive ones still with cat ears, just get the regular Razer Kraken and the separate kitty add-on (doesn't light up)
          Whoops I kinda ranted lol. But I'm a gamer, music nut, and anime nerd so I got really excited :P


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Heyo weirdos... I did it! I finally updated Beautiful Crazy.  'Bout fucking time right XP. And its a special chapter about Rhys' head people too! Y'all should check it out
          Next update is gonna be Grimm, and I'll try to have another chapter for Beautiful Crazy out around the same time but no promises on that~