
Hey guys!
          	In case you didn't see, I am not longer @closet_anarchist and I am now @nelinor! 
          	Also, in case you didn't see, I've posted a new story! It's called "Nevermind." So go check it out please!


You should continue writing Thin Ice..Read the book three times and still obsessed with their relationship. I know you said it wasn’t about their relationship but her overcoming the sexism. But you could write a new book or continue this one about the development of the relationships


With a new day, new strengths and new thoughts come.
          This book reminded me of that saying.
          I would seriously appreciate it if an advanced author like you could help with my amatuer work The Divider even though it's really bad and still in progress. Thank you so much.


Hi Nelly, 
          I'm a 14 year old who is really loving ur books. You might not be still on wattpad but I just wanted to say I love everything. The twists, characters, everything. If u have time, please dm me. 
                                                                        With love,