Chaper 10 : Revelation

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Naruto walked closer to Sasuke, Kakashi readied himself to stop the blonde if he snapped but he saw the blonde slowly take out a pendent from around his neck and show Sasuke the pendent of a spiral - faint little gasps could be heard in the background.

"I've had this pendent with me for as long as I can remember but I don't know when or how I got it", he smiled bitterly at Sasuke, Sasuke listened seriously, not interrupting,  he continued, "You know, until I was about 8 or something, or at least looked like I was 8, I was living in the slums where I almost straved to death, and beat someone up fighting over a piece of bread. Well, In gist, it was a shit life, but I didn't wanna die, so I thought if I had to kill someone to live, I'd do it..", he looked at him right in the eyes, with blue eyes that looked colder than ice, "Before I actually ended up killing someone, I was picked up and raised by an old man. Enoki-san was the only one I could call a family for a long time, until I lost him too and ended up alone again.. I even took this huge private loan to try and keep him alive for as long as possible, even hoping he'd miraculously get cured, but he still passed away.. And I ended up with nothing but a loan, a sketchy one at that.. I couldn't bring myself to regret taking it though.. You know, that day when I saw you kill that man, the first thought I had was 'Oh F*ck' thinking I was gonna die for sure but I still couldn't take my eyes off of you.. You were so mesmerizing.. I think I would've stayed there, even if you'd pointed you're gun at me to kill me!", he laughed at his own stupidity, "After you bought me here, and after meeting old man Jiraiya, Kiba, Ino, Kakashi, Sakura, Shino, and everyone here, I was so freaking happy! Ever since I met you, I can only remember being happy", he smiled warmly at Sasuke, "Well, even when I felt sad enough to want to disappear, it's because you were right there with me that now can I bare it with a smile.. Sasuke.. I want to be with you.. Please, let me stay here.. Don't tell me to live alone again..", he felt his eyes sting with the tears that he thought had dried. And before he knew it, Sasuke had gotten up from his seat, and took him into his arms, gently embracing him.

Half the people already in tears, with Lee and Guy crying dramatically.

Sasuke didn't even notice that distracting background, he only looked at Naruto, and said in a gentle voice, making people come to a halt and suddenly go quiet, "I still can't let you kill anyone, so pick something else to do, luckily there are more background workers in Cleaners than frontline ones, so I'm sure you won't be left alone", he smiled warmly, most of them looking at him like he's an imposter.

"That's how he acts around Naruto", Kiba's proud declaration could be heard in the background, with Sakura and Ino joining in to agree.

Naruto pouted, and said very cutely, "But I wanna kill people with you~ I thought we were partners!"

The background erupted in laughter, Kakashi who still stood behind the blonde gave him a chop on the head, "Just saying it cutely won't make it any less terrifying, don't say scary stuff so casually"

Naruto stuck his tongue out and apologized, but persisted, "But I want to be partners with Sasuke from now on too~"

"Life partners?", Sakura said giggling, Making them laugh again with a few squealing.

"I was being serious!", Naruto exclaimed blushing. Sasuke chuckling too, feeling genuinely happy that Naruto wanted to stay with him this badly. Naruto misunderstood his actions and yelled at him, "You don't laugh with them! This involves you too!"

Sasuke laughed out loud, most of them getting shocked again, but some already used to the changes in Sasuke.

Naruto pouted, being the only one that's seen him like this the most, he doesn't think it's out of place to see him laugh so heartily.

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