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A few hours earlier


"What is it, Giovanni?" Rafael asked.

"Eliana left her job earlier without informing me" Giovanni responded.

"Where are you now?" Rafael continued questioning his employee.

"Following her. However, she's not going home"

Rafael had a bad feeling about this.

"Find out where she is going then," he said firmly and hung up.



"She's pregnant," Doctor Kraus said.

"Pregnant?" Rafael was so shocked a hint of emotion appeared in his voice.

Rafael paused for a moment, probably trying to process everything.

"Did she know?" Rafael asked, looking at his unconscious wife. They were all in the hospital

room, it was truly a miracle that she wasn't kidnapped. But he knew they're going to try again.

"Most likely she already experienced early signs of pregnancy, but it is hard to tell if she knew. It's better to ask her"

"Thank you, if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone with her"

Rafael needed time to think. To process. Because he was furious.

"Of course" dr. Kraus responded and as soon as the doors closed behind him Rafael hid his face

in his hands.


"How is she?" It was Lorenzo who just entered the room.

"She should wake up any minute now," Rafael said in a terrifyingly cold tone of voice. But apparently, his brother was used to it because he only sighed tiredly.

"I told the kids to stay at home, and they're really not happy about it. Rafael... is everything okay?"

"I've just been informed by her doctor that she's pregnant"

"What? How? Is it yours?"

"I have no idea. She didn't find this information worth mentioning. I've sent Giovanni back to the place where she was attacked, and it turns out it was the parking lot of the abortion clinic"

"You're telling me that on the day of an attempted kidnapping, she was planning to get an abortion?" Lorenzo asked.

"Yes," Rafael responded in a hollow voice.

What was he feeling right now? Sadness? Anger? He couldn't tell.


Eliana as soon as she opened her eyes realized that she's in the hospital. Rafael was sitting next to her.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"As good as I can. What happened?" she asked in a hoarse voice.

"Someone tried to kidnap you. Currently, that person is being questioned" Rafael replied.

"By whom? Who was this person? Did Harvey send him?" Eliana questioned.

"That's what I'm trying to establish" Rafael said.

"But how am I here? When I lost consciousness, I was already in his car..."

"He never left the parking lot. Giovanni did what I pay him for" Rafael explained.

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