Law 26: Keep Your Hands Clean

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Part 1: Conceal Your Mistakes, Use a Scapegoat.

To keep your good name, have someone around to shift the blame onto.

Application –

When a corporation or a government makes a big mistake that causes public backlash, they often use a scapegoat. They will publicly terminate a person who is to blame and then issue a public apology. In reality, there were probably more people involved, but one person can be used as the scapegoat.

Bad Influence –

In junior high, my best friend and I would get in trouble all the time. Her parents thought I was the "bad influence", and my parents thought the same about her. We were equally as culpable, but there was no point in trying to correct our parents.

Part 2: Make Use of the Cat's Paw.

The "Cat's Paw" is someone or something other than yourself that does your work for you, without connecting you to the action. You can use it for both your dirty work and to do good deeds.

Application –

When someone wants to manipulate you, they may use someone you trust instead of approaching you directly. In LuLaRoe, the recent MLM scandal, they had people reach out to their friends and family to join the organization as "retailers". What better way to reach people than someone that was already in their network.

Hidden Assets –

My aunt and uncle live in another country and are so generous even though they don't have as much. When we visit, they won't let us pay for anything or ever accept money from us. So instead, I'll leave money hidden under clothes or behind the TV, so it will turn up easily after we leave.

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