The beast of fire

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"Revenge doesn't change the past. It won't bring our parents back. But it sure as hell feels good." — Hansel.

years later, when Hansel and Gretel are adults

"Hansel, come," hansel's sister Gretel called as she crouched down. On the ground was a giant footprint clawed. It looked like a colossal beast had walked here. "what the hell?" hansel uttered as he reached his sister. "there's something big around here, be on guard," Gretel said and stood up, readying her crossbow. the forest was silent; only birds could be heard chirping aorund. "Are you sure it's close? I mean, it's sure gone by now," hansel said and walked after his sister, who stalked through teh woods. "no. the mark was fresh, and blood was in eh air. But, brother, it's here" teh brown-haired girl stopped as she suddenly heard a low growl.

"hasnle, stand abolsute still" she whsieprd. Turning aorund, hansel hasped quietly as he stared into two glowing blue eyes. Their pupils were slit, meaning it was a reptile of some sort. "what got you skulking aorund in teh forest, kids?" a soft voice said. The two siblings stepped away from teh beast and stopped side by side. Gretel had lowered her bow, afraid she would anger the besat by shooting it. "answer my question," teh blue reptile repeated. Hansel was stiff with fear, so Gretel took teh word instead. 

"We didn't mean to intrude; we're just looking for a witch," teh beast raised a brow. "witch?" it asked, Gretel nodding. "yes, a witch," she answered. The beast's gaze softened, and it lifted its head, showing how big its body was. "my name is Coral, young ones. You must be the famous witch hunters, Hansel and Gretel. Welcome to the silent forest," teh beast, now known by Coral, said, bowing her head in a greeting. Hansel and Gretel stared wide-eyed at each other. Was this the beast, their parents had described to them? teh ones who were worse than witches? 

Gretel smiled uncertainly, snapping out of it. "uh, thanks, miss coral. now, if you don't mind me asking, what are ... you?" Gretel trailed off. Coral's smile faded, and she lowered her head again. "I was afraid you were gonna ask that. " she sighed before spreading her wings, raising her head. "im the last dragon," the statement alone was enough to send shivers through teh young siblings. "a-a dragon?!" handle exclaimed, surprised and scared beyond measure. 

Coral hummed and lowered her head, folding her wings. "yes, a dragon."  


I'm sorry it's so short, but here it is anyway


But something are worse than witches | Hansel and Gretel : witch huntersWhere stories live. Discover now