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No, not a real one (she's only 28, so Botox maybe in 2-5 years?).

HI. HELLO. IT'S US. Authors of ELLIE IS COOL NOW, Victoria x Faith. Remember us?

Long time, no talkieeeee.

We've been busy bees and also saving this update for a VERY special occasion.

Ellie is PUBLISHED now (well, almost).

Here's the full story/update (*deep breath*):

Way, way back in 2018, we started writing ELLIE IS COOL NOW chapter by chapter on Wattpad. In October of that same year, before the book was even finished, she won a Watty Award in the "Hidden Gems" category, which led to a book offer from a huge romance imprint, Forever (at Hachette Book Group)!

Then a horrible thing called a pandemic happened 🙁 and ELLIE's publication stalled.

But then, during the pandemic, we got an agent (Katie Shea Boutillier of DMLA) and ANOTHER book deal — a young adult horror (what the what?!?) called HORROR HOTEL that published with Underlined/Delacorte at Penguin Random House in February of this year (out now, at a bookstore near you 😱 there are ghosts 👻).

AND THEN – more good news: ELLIE's deal became officially official!

She got a shiny new cover (pictured above — click to see it in all its sparkly pink glory)! And amazing notes from a brilliant editor at Forever who helped us whip the story into tip-top shape!




For a limited time (very limited – only until 10/30 at midnight) – you can download ELLIE IS COOL NOW as a "Read Now" option on NetGalley.

Which means EiCN will be delivered to your Kindle for you to read now and enjoy in her updated splendor so you can (hopefully, pretty please) leave a review on NetGalley!

Here's the link: bit.ly/readellienow (copy & paste or type in your browser)

She's only available until 10/30, so please, PLEASE DON'T WAIT because at midnight on the 30th, this first look opportunity to read and review early goes away forever!

We're so happy to give you, our amazing Wattpad readers, the chance to read one more time for free before the book goes on sale. We hope you buy the book too, but we wanted to make sure you all got a FIRST LOOK because you were there for us (and for Ellie) before we were cool.

We owe you so much and we love you and we thank you for making this book an international phenomenon (it must be true because it says so right on the new cover 🥹).

We'll be back in March (3.21.2023, to be exact) with a giveaway (!!!), but until then, stay cool (but not too cool brrrr) and—

READ ELLIE NOW: bit.ly/readellienow

Love you all!

Victoria + Faith

Ellie is Cool NowWhere stories live. Discover now