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author pov
In the club rohanrao gambled normally without any gems but money and left as he went another club

Anu : we got nothing

Arman : shit

Anu.M : follow him

Anu : ( follow him)

Anu : ( talking in earpiece) he is in a small hut where it's severe darkness and he left with a car key and papers
Wait logging out ( follow them as she changed her cloths)

Anu : ( sneaked in the hut) ( watching rohanrao)

*Meanwhile Rohan Rao*

Rohanrao : jeon i have gambled the pearl 235k

Anu : ( recording it)

Rohanrao: did you receive the courier

Jeon : ya (😏)

Anu : ( watching him)

Rohanrao: do we make the deal final in Raj bar where we usually meet

Jeon : you seem really eager of the deal

Rohanrao : (😏) ya why not

Anu : ( in earpiece) (tap it)

Arman : stay there

Anu : ( in Earpiece tap it ) ( as it turned off)( took photo and record it)

Rohanrao : so do we meet in Raj bar now

Jeon: sure

*In Raj bar* *in Afghanistan*

Rohanrao: ( give a suitcase )

Jeon : ( take it left)

Anu : (🤨)

*In newyork hotel*

Anu : guys this isn't gonna work

Arman : I think we have to split

Fiza : ya ill be in California as he have old mnc there I will keep an eye

Manya : I'll be with anu

Arman : fiza take anitta with you no one will go alone

Anu.M : I'll be with Arman

Arman : akshita stay here in newyork be a hacker and call himani she will come to help you too

Anu : ok so main territory he has is Afghanistan, California, India and New York , Paris , Germany, Nepal and mainly the branch is in Auroraville

Arman : his Target

Anu : his target is to sell expensive rubies in black market as we know but he is planning to release something in india which he discussed with jeon

Arman : a virus

Anu : zombie virus and also manipulation drugs as he discussed it

Arman : so in these main branches these things are being prepared as do you have evidence

Anu : ( send videos to Arman) check

Arman : it is

Anu : isn't it agniratna from our past life which he got from lord brama himself

Arman: agniratna

Anu : yaa agniratna is a only stone which will fulfill your any wishes even though it follows you in your reborn too

Arman : he has it

Anu : obviously ( checking earpiece)

Anu : oh chup ( shut up)

*Anu left a audio recorder in the hut then she heard something*

Rohan Rao: ( talking on phone) is the thing I gave you to prepare , I'm coming

Anu : ( tap the earpiece) ok guys track rohanrao

Arman : ( tracked it)

Anu : ok ( left)

Akshita: (booked tickets ) done

Arman : he is in newyork scientist lab ( record the portion making but suddenly the laptop crashes) what the-

Anu.M : ( runs as she connects her laptop as saw the portion name record it) done

Anu : ok so before that don't send anything to the police unless we get a solid proof against him don't do anything

Arman : ya so plan

Anu : who are good in journey advocate will be in india Afghanistan and New York means i will be in Afghanistan and in New York Manya India and Auroraville Arman and anu.M and California akshita Germany fiza and Nepal anitta and in  boredom apartment himani and aesha will maintain the servers

*Every boredom member was in conference call*

Boredom employees: ok ma'am

Anu : anything happens let me  anu.M or Arman know about that ok

Himani : ok

Anu : I'm leaving

Arman : tommarrow morning

Anu : not gonna delay

Arman : ok

Anu.M : we have to stay here Arman so I will be in Auroraville and indrapur you be in Mumbai and main branch

Arman : ok

Anu : ( left with luggage )

Arman : bye crorepatiji all the best

Anu : thank you and you too let me know if anything happens

Manya : I will be in New York (T~T) ( sad)

Fiza : we have to do our mission I'll be in Germany but Paris

Arman : oh ya Ishita

Manya : there aren't any old mnc branchs no one use there wait is that mean

Anu : I'll be in Paris and Afghanistan both side

Arman : hard to handle

Anu : impossible says I'm possible why not

Arman : everyone having tasks now we can't say that all the places are easy going everything is dangerous

Anu : ik

*After discussion*

*The next early morning*

Anu : boredom all the best

*Everyone left to their places as anu went to Paris checked the old mnc branch which was abondoned found nothing but saw a diamond piece*

Anu : agniratna ( keep it )

*That same night*

Arman: anu red alert you are the boredom member old mnc knows

Anu : what how

Arman : they just know and you have agni ratna it's not a ratna but a crystallized form of a unknown virus

Anu : what the-



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