Chapter Twenty-Nine: Heart

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"This above all is precious and remarkable,

How we put ourselves in one another's care,

How in spite of everything we trust each other."

- John Wain, "This Above All"


Song of the chapter: Baby I love you by Tiffany Alvord ( yesh, mainstream for the first time woo! DO PLAY IT! ;))

Media: A Casper banner I made one year ago


A quick pre-AN

I initially wanted to put this chapter as private because this contains mature scenes, but then non-followers won't be able to access the chapter so I left it as public. If you're uncomfortable with mature scenes please skip this chapter. Don't say I didn't warn you, happy reading!


Chapter Twenty-Nine: Heart

Jasper slid over, putting his arms around Cady from the back. His breaths were warm against her as he nuzzled her neck. "Hey, are you alright? You looked stressed."

Cady poked a loose crystal on his table. It rolled off and made its way into a hole in the wall. "It's...hard to tell. It's about Eli."

He sat down on the opposite side of the table, looking around for the missing crystal. "What about him?"

"He confessed to me today." Cady looked down at her feet, suddenly embarrassed. She had run from Eli that morning, avoiding him at every turn and corner. Only when the sun had set and she made her way to Jasper's chamber did the knot in her heart ease, allowing her to breathe.

One of Jasper's eyebrows did a jiggle. "Really?"

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." She slumped onto the table, crossing her arms so her chin could rest on them.

He stroked the little band on her finger. "He got you a Celestial ring."

She looked down, having completely forgotten about it. "Oh, he did."

"That's very thoughtful of him," he said, bobbing his head. His voice held no trace of sarcasm to it. "Every Starlet needs a Celestial ring."

"Where is yours? I've never seen you wear it."

A shadow flitted over his face. "I lost it," he said with regret. "Many years ago."

Cady prodded him with a finger. "Why not get another one?"

"Starlet Taboo," he answered with a jab in her nose. "You can only get a Celestial ring once in your lifetime. Lose it, and you can never get a new one."

"That's dumb," Cady said, raising her head.

"Not really," he said. "Imagine if you lost your wedding ring. Would you go and make a new one? The old one holds precious memories and a most significant moment of your life. This applies to the Celestial Ring as well. You only get it when you come of age. Not many Starlets live to sixteen in the past. Hence, the Celestial Ceremony and its ring are regarded highly in our culture."

Cady was silenced. Jasper never failed to awe her with his words (and his presence).

"Forget the serious conversation." Jasper's head vanished down the table. "Hey, did you see a piece of Amazonite? I swear I had one on the table."

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