T E N | Thank You Luna

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{Pic of Alicia. Edited.}

Trust yourself. You know more than you think.


Days have passed since the kiss, yet it's the only thing on my mind. When his lips touched mine, I knew I was gone. At first the kiss melted something inside me that hurt in an exquisite way. All my longing. All my dreams and sweet anguish. All the secrets that slept deep inside me awakened. Everything transformed and enchanted. It all made sense. Even though I was considered 'young' to find a mate, I knew I had.

Mine. That was when he declared me his, and it was brighter than sunshine. At least up until he started ignoring me. After the kiss, Alpha forced us all to go home. Chance sensing something wrong obliged immediately.

Is it wrong to want to see him again? To feel his touch again?

'Absolutely not. You're a werewolf, you were made to feel this way. You were made to have an immediate connection with him. A connection so strong that you'll be drawn to him, no matter what. The Moon Goddess paired you up for a reason. You were made to be with each other.' My wolf answered. I knew she was right because when I first saw the Alpha, I swear my soul whispered; Oh, there you are. I was looking for you.

"You're zoning out again" Alec groaned pushing me causing me to crash into some passing students. Quickly apologising, I glared a Alec who had his lip tucked between his teeth, trying to hold back his laughter.

"It's not funny" I grumbled continuing our walk to the canteen. He snorted but didn't say a word. I opened the canteen door and walked in taking a seat.

"You not getting lunch?" Alec asked looking down at me.

"Not hungry" I shrugged taking out my phone. He nodded before walking off to stand in the lunch queue. Five minutes later, I looked up and saw Alec at the till getting his thumb scanned so it would open his account, so he could pay.  After paying he came to sit in front of me.

"You should really eat"

"I would never say no to food. I guess, I'm just not hungry so-" before I got to finish my sentence, a tray slammed in front of me.

"What the hell!" I shrieked shocked by the sudden noise.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to bang it so loud" Chance smiled sheepishly. I shook my head at him before taking out my earphones. Before I could actually plug them in, they were snatched off me.

"Eat" Chance ordered shoving the tray towards me.

"I'm not hungry" I shoved the tray back.

"Eat!" He stressed pushing the tray back towards me.

"No. What is your problem?" Chance sighed sitting down next to me.

"Listen, this isn't from me. The rest I'm leaving up to you to figure out" he said before leaving.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alec asked confused with his mouth full of food.

"Close your mouth. Don't you know it's rude to talk with food in your mouth?" I teased. He stuck his tongue out at me. Ew.

"Mature" I laughed before looking at the tray in front of me. It didn't take a genius to to figure out who wanted me to eat. It was obviously it was the Alpha. Who else will dare tell the Beta what to do? Smiling in appreciation, I lifted the sandwich unwrapping it.

"I wonder who sent it" Alec said to himself. I just smiled. This right here, proves he cares. He may not show it, but he does. Wait, how did he know I wasn't eating in the first place? Is he watching over me or is someone doing his dirty work for him?

"I'm not sure" I answered. Ten minutes into lunch I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Can I talk to you?" Brittany asked.

"Uhhh...sure I guess" I got up and hesitantly followed her out of the canteen.

"What's up?" Brittany leant against the wall, picking on her fingernails.

"You kissed the Alpha. Scratch that, he kissed you" she narrowed her eyes.

"Pfft...whatttt?" I tried to play it off cool, but knew I failed terribly when Brittany pushed herself off the wall. She stalked towards me until she was mere inches away from my face.

"You're his Mate" she continued. How in the hell did she know?

"Alpha has never paid attention to any girl. He has never been seen with a girl. But once you turn up, he's constantly seen around you. Next thing you know, he's kissing you. It's not rocket science." She sighed taking a few steps back.

'Does that mean you were also his first kiss?'

Just because he hasn't spotted with a girl, doesn't mean he has never been with one.

Even though I might not be his first kiss, I couldn't force the goofy smile off my face.

"Stop that" Brittany scolded.


"Stop smiling like that. It's creepy" she laughed playfully. Was she being nice? to me?

"Aren't you going to tell me to back off or something?" Wasn't this the part, where I got threatened?

"You're my Luna. I will respect you. I respect the Moon Goddess and I respect Mates. I will never go after a mated male. I also want to apologise for my early behaviour. It's just that you were  I've always been spoilt by the pack  and all a sudden you showed up and the attentions on you. I guess I forgot I'm not 5 anymore" She looked down ashamed.

"Don't be. Wanting to have a little fun is not bad. You aren't doing anything wrong so what's there to be sorry about? Also if you're only ashamed because of your behaviour then even you know that you can easily sort it out" I smiled. She grinned back before pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you Luna" she said gratefully. I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her too. We may be on good terms but I still didn't like hugging people I hardly knew.

"It's fine. Just don't call me Luna" I said pulling away. She nodded before linking her arm with mine pulling me along with her back to the canteen.

We head back to our table to meet a gaping Alec. He raised his eyebrows in question and I just shrugged smiling.

{A/N: Three cheers for the UK weather everyone. Hip hip hooray. It's amazing as always. NOT! It's absolutely freezing over here. Constantly snowing. Help me! I need Asher to keep me warm. Anyway here is the chapter I promised you all. I hope you like it. There isn't much detail about Brittany and Alicia, because I'm leaving it up to you to decide whether she was being sincere or not. Anyway please...




Lots of Love - Me}

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