Chapter Thirty-Six: Threads

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A/N: Hi \(o.o)

been a while...


work is in full swing...batting me over the head over and over 

but here is an update :3

do not know when i will be able to update again but i'll try as best i can.


Chapter Thirty-Six: Threads

Letting out a sigh, I look around the empty, dark room. How long have I been down here? Who knows. The pain meds that X has been slipping me has made it impossible for me to track being underground kinda makes it hard to tell anyway. But thanks to the hours and hours of sleep, the level of pain was relatively reasonable. Minus the headache that is my life right now and the thousand plus scars, scratches and bruises adding to the tally I've acquired over the years of running and screaming.

But the dreams...they got so bad that the mix of dream and reality did my head in and I was a screaming mess for the most of it. From what I can remember (which isn't much if I'm honest) X stayed close, never complaining or getting upset with me...he just patiently calmed and reassured me over and over, much to my embarrassment.

But the memory of it stuck. Anne and that bloody tree. Some times when I was able to reach out to her, she literally turned to ash, scattered to the breeze, leaving me alone in the dark. Other times, my hand went straight through like I was a ghost and she continued to dig. My gaze fell to my hands. Still the same; the left is still normal and human, but my right... still looked like I lobbed it off Satan and stuck it on. Pulling it closer to my face, I notice that the weird vine tattoos above my elbow seemed to have changed. Do they change every time I go 'funny'?

Thinking back on it, I also get funky demon eyes...

What the fuck am I?

'Dreamer is Dreamer. Dreamer is kind and gentle.'

I look up to see Lady staring at me in the doorway. I know she is trying to help but it wasn't an answer that my spiteful side wanted.

Her ears slightly tip back, probably at all the negativity I was spewing out in the dark corner I've put myself in. But she still walked towards me, not backward on hopping onto the bed and circle around me like a big blanket. Surprisingly, the bed held both our weights without a groan.

I'm sorry,' I manage to say back to her as she runs her head on my shoulder.

'Not place for us. This human territory is wrong. Smell is wrong. Feel is wrong. Everything is wrong.'

'Hate to break it to you but I am...-mostly human...' I think.

'Dreamer is Dreamer,' she repeats, her raspy tongue glides over the back of my neck and head. I jump at the spiny rough texture of her tongue. She let out an amused noise. ...Is she giggling at me? I could feel her saliva wetting the back of my head and it sent goosebumps down my spine. I pull away only for her to use her paw to pull me back and continue to lick through the hair on the back of my head.

"Ew, I can feel it all sticking up," I complain out loud, almost ready to give up and be the ragdoll toy that I knew she could easily make out of me.

X picks that moment to show up with more bottled water and some more pain meds. There's barely any room left on the bed but he still managed to sit down in front of me, completely impartial to the fact that I was sporting a new hairstyle with tiger drool. He just holds the bottle and packets up until I take them from him.

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