Garden Asleep

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

 Outside was warm and inviting, yet a fence still sealed her in. She could yell for help, and someone in the park would probably hear her, though; Drem wouldn't let her attempt such a thing. Most likely, she would be knocked out, dragged back inside, killed or a combination of the options. Still, her phone was now only a few inches away from her. It would connect her to the world outside of Nathan's home, but she presumed that Drem wouldn't let her make just any calls.

In truth she didn't know why he was letting her just grab her phone. Her mother had mentioned calling her, so perhaps that was it. If her mother contacted her and she didn't pick up, it could spell out trouble for Drem. Well, it would be mainly bad for her mother. The older woman would come over and check on her. No doubt she would be killed if she grew any more suspicious.

Frustrated and all around tired, she picked up the device. She placed it in her right shorts pocket and turned around, heading further into the backyard. (F/n) kept her distance from the bubbling fountain and lay down on a sunny patch of grass.

Draping her right arm across her eyes, she closed her eyelids and decided to just drift off into sleep. At least there she could dream of a different reality. She would be able to go somewhere outside of the house. There she could focus on her dream career of being an artist and not worry about Drem's schemes. A small smile formed on her lips at being free from Drem and the cursed house, as she went off into a land of limitless possibilities.

Still in his monkey form, Drem made his way outside and towards her. He positioned himself on one of the benches, which were connected to the fountain. It was the one closest to his little doe. From there he could look over her.

To him it didn't make sense. By now he had expected a slight change in her attitude towards him. At least a small smile directed his way. Right now, she had one on her lips, but he doubted that it was meant for him. He knew it would be difficult, but maybe, he would receive a smile tomorrow.

Somewhere in his head, however, he knew that wouldn't happen. She appeared practically defeated after her mother had left. It was obvious that his little doe wished to go with her mother. Frankly, it was vexing that she hadn't considered how nice he was being when the older woman was around. He could have killed her mother like that, especially when she was getting close to what had happened.

Her suspicion about the monkey, which he inhabited, was too close for comfort. He wanted to kill her then and there, but he held back. It was probably for the best, though. After all murdering the older woman would most likely only bring more individuals to the house. That would make things become quite a hassle.

The way that his little doe cared about her mother's safety was painful to watch, though. Maybe, at one point in time, Nathan had cared for his safety. That quickly changed, however, after the incident. Regardless, witnessing that particular showing of emotion from the doe reminded him of something that was snatched away from him.

He was lonely, and he hated it; he despised the fact that he was beginning to desire someone to care for him. Beforehand, he had wished that from Nathan, and it ended poorly. Now, he had another opportunity, and it was taking that route as well. Honestly, he just didn't understand. His doe had incorrectly claimed what he thrived off of. It wasn't misery; it was fear.

Enclosed Perimeters (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu