Well isn't that lovely... Not

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         Rain poured down, and the wind blew, drenching the city. Washing away the residue of humans, the water pushed the trash along the street's gutters. Pushed against the sewers the trash-clogged up the opening. The tide came in, the storm surging inland, grabbing everything in its watery grasp. Churning with a mixture of oil and filth, the water drained back out to sea with its inadvertent agglomeration of liquid chemicals and plastic.

         Eventually, the sun came out. The land dried. With the streets cleaned and the sewers unclogged, the citizens continued about their day. The tourist came out, the trash moved out of sight.

         On the beach the tourist frolicked. From the warm, dry sand they watched the blue ocean waves cresting in beautiful sprays of white. People ran in and out of the ocean, old and young alike. One young toddler spun around in shallow water squealing in delight. Then a plastic bag wrapped around her ankle and she screamed, having no idea of what it was. Her mother picked her up and the bag clung on. Not wanting to touch the bag, the mother gripped her daughter with arms stretched out. The little girl kicked her leg, shaking the bag off and back into the water. The mother held her close and strolled up the beach away from the ocean.

         Then, a boat carried some people out over the sparkling water. Putting on snorkeling gear, they peered at the rippling surface of the water as the boat rocked. An opulent moving resource as far as the eye could see. With a sense of joy and adventure, they jumped in.

         One woman looked around under the surface of the water. Admiring the graceful movements of the sea creatures, she swam alongside, in an ocean full of refuse. What else was she going to do, she paid to be here; for this...

Well isn't that lovely... #PlanetOrPlasticWhere stories live. Discover now