Chapter 4 - A New Friend (Grimm)

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Great. Just great. I hate the woods. I always have. I don't even know why. They're dark, and creepy, and I know they're wide open but they just feel cramped because of all the trees. In fact, they kind of remind me of the Catacombs.

Jeez. You'd think that would be a reassuring fact but nooooo. I'm just a big fat wuss! And now I'm lost too. GREAT

I start looking around, trying to spot any familiar landmarks.

Not that there would be any since I avoid the woods but WHATEVER

Another reason I hate the woods; I always feel watched. Like I'm being creeped on. Doesn't matter that no one's there, that I'm all alone. I still feel observed.

I shudder at the thought, getting paranoid wondering about all the things that could be watching me.

Dammit! Why do I have to be so freaking scared! I'm the son of the bloody Grim Reaper but I can't even make it out of the woods?! God, I'm such a freaking cowa-

What was that?

I listen closely... there it is again!

A whisper, barely audible.

I start spinning in circles, trying to find the source of the voice.

That's weird. It sounds... familiar? But what is it... no, she... saying?

I'm spinning around but I don't see anyone. I probably look crazy spinning alone in the middle of the forest.

"Help us..."

What? Help who?

"Help us... Aleck... help us out..."

Aleck? Who the frick is Aleck? Help with what?

I was about to give in to my fear and just bolt in a random direction in the hopes of getting out of here, when I saw something in the darkness between the trees.

I freeze. Every bone on my body on edge.

Looking at the ghostly girl approaching me, I think I've seen her before.

She looks so familiar... but who is she?

As she reaches a hand out to me, I realize she isn't moving her legs. She isn't walking, she's gliding.


Watching her, a name floats to mind.

"E-Emily? " I just barely croak out.

Her eyes grow wide as she keeps coming closer.

"Aleck! Help me..."

I don't know what to do, what to think. How do I know her name? Who's Aleck? Help with what?

I open my mouth to ask, but before I can utter a sound, she disappears and I get knocked to the ground.

What the-?!?

I groan as I feel a heavy weight on my chest. I option my eyes to see a... Hellhound?

I'm about to panic when it starts licking my skull, tail wagging.

It's happy? What's it doing here?

The Hellhounds guard the gates to the afterlife, the ones past the Ferryman. They're vicious and cruel, letting only those who have paid their toll through. They never leave their post, not unless expressly summoned or sent to hunt down rogue souls in debt.

So how did this one get here? And why's it so... nice?

I push him off me and look around, but see no sign of the ghost girl. Emily...

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