
Felt like finally adding another chapter the "The Lilac Bottle." I actually have a lot written down for it, but it's all brainstorming and not in order haha.


Dude, it's been 4 years since I posted a message.
          Just thought I would say, if those of you who were a huge fan of Cougura, and are wondering why you can't find it now, I unpublished it from WattPad. Don't worry, it's not deleted. I'm revamping it, along with my profile (and overall writing habits) for 2018.


Hi, I stopped by to say thank you for following and hope you find my writing efforts sufficiently interesting to stay with them to their last page - when I can find it ?? Last Page that is. The Cousins keeps getting longer and longer. I look forward to reading Cougura. Best Wishes  Peter