
Greetings! So! I probably sound crazy making this announcement, but there has been ANOTHER change in plans. Long story short, I got burned out on Out of the Ashes during NaNoWriMo and returned to The Shattered Dragonslayer for the rest of November to see how it would go. Now, even after the craziness of NaNoWriMo has died down I'm still profusely enjoying working on my old novel again and can't seem to stop. I have also been doing some research and world building which should improve my next draft in many ways. I've tried to consider my decision prayerfully along the way as well. Ultimately, I have concluded that now is the time to resume work on Shattered Dragonslayer, and hope to post some updated chapters the semi-near future. Will keep you posted.


Greetings! So! I probably sound crazy making this announcement, but there has been ANOTHER change in plans. Long story short, I got burned out on Out of the Ashes during NaNoWriMo and returned to The Shattered Dragonslayer for the rest of November to see how it would go. Now, even after the craziness of NaNoWriMo has died down I'm still profusely enjoying working on my old novel again and can't seem to stop. I have also been doing some research and world building which should improve my next draft in many ways. I've tried to consider my decision prayerfully along the way as well. Ultimately, I have concluded that now is the time to resume work on Shattered Dragonslayer, and hope to post some updated chapters the semi-near future. Will keep you posted.


Greetings, all! After a TON of thought and prayer, I have come to a very difficult decision: I've chosen to shelf The Shattered Dragonslayer and its series. I love this story and have every intention of returning to it, but presently I don't think I have the skill to tackle such a major project. Instead, I've already begun work on a dark fantasy novel that, being a singular novel, will be a much simpler project through which I may hone my writing skills. Hopefully, after completing this new project I will be able to apply the experience to Shattered Dragonslayer and give it the love it deserves. In the meantime, stay tuned for updates on my upcoming dark fantasy novel, Out of the Ashes!


Greetings, everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been very active in a while. I'm still learning how to balance writing with my other responsibilities of being a wife and mother, especially with Christmas around the corner. Thank you for your feedback and support of my story; I assure you I am still working on the next draft but it's slow going. When it's finished though, it'll be much improved ( I hope!) I still welcome any constructive criticism on the current draft. Again thank you all, and have a blessed Christmas!


As a heads up, I have been in the process of re-writing The Shattered Dragonslayer in the hopes of fixing my main character's story arc as well as improving the flow of the plot in general. I don't know how long this will take, especially now that I have a sweet baby boy to take care of, so feel free to continue reading. The story may change drastically in the next draft but any feedback you offer on this draft will surely prove helpful for the next. Thank you all!


@Allysk01 Thanks! I hope to see you soon too.


@WhimsicalWayfarer looking forward to reading the new revisions!  I'm glad to hear that things are moving along with this story.  Miss you and hope to see you sometime soon 


          Most of you know about NaNoWriMo, and many of you are participating in it, so due to the pressures of the competition I will be taking just a short break from updating my chapters. The next installment to "The Shattered Dragonslayer will appear on the first Monday of December. Thank you all for your understanding. Write on!


Greetings! Just a heads up that I am trying something new, so instead of posting story excerpts twice a week I will be posting full-length chapters once a week. Let me know what you think. Do you have a preference as to how I post my chapters? Thanks a bunch for your feedback!