
What's AO3 like? I might start posting stuff on there (if original fiction is allowed) rather than completely migrate. As bad as Wattpad as, I don't think I could leave. 


@WhisperingJadeDragon i don't use AO3 personally because it's not really my cup of tea and i have heard mixed things about it and I've migrated to another good alternative to AO3 though 


          	  You could post both on here and Ao3. And yes, Ao3 allows original stories, it's just mostly known for fanfics, but it doesn't mean your original works won't get read.


          	  As both an author and reader there, it's actually quite good. The stories reaching system is a bit different from here though, given that it completely depends on the tags your story has and how frequently it is updated. It based on the 'hit' and 'kudos' system, which I'll highly suggest you to read about them once. Besides that, it's a good site to work on alongside Wattpad. Wouldn't suggest shifting to there completely without proper research. 


Down for rp on discord?


@Ereri_Riren_yaoi | Sure, I'll send you a friend request. :)


What's AO3 like? I might start posting stuff on there (if original fiction is allowed) rather than completely migrate. As bad as Wattpad as, I don't think I could leave. 


@WhisperingJadeDragon i don't use AO3 personally because it's not really my cup of tea and i have heard mixed things about it and I've migrated to another good alternative to AO3 though 


            You could post both on here and Ao3. And yes, Ao3 allows original stories, it's just mostly known for fanfics, but it doesn't mean your original works won't get read.


            As both an author and reader there, it's actually quite good. The stories reaching system is a bit different from here though, given that it completely depends on the tags your story has and how frequently it is updated. It based on the 'hit' and 'kudos' system, which I'll highly suggest you to read about them once. Besides that, it's a good site to work on alongside Wattpad. Wouldn't suggest shifting to there completely without proper research. 


Update: I'm feeling better so I'll be catching up with stuff on here and Discord, not tonight, but tomorrow night.
          Also note #1: I didn't get to see the Aurora Borealis, but my mom did. That's one of the things she was hoping to witness during her lifetime—and I'm so happy she got to see one of her wishes come true. Her photos are fantastic!
          Note #2: Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there!! 


            I also did not see the Northern Lights, but they look awesome


It's confirmed: I'd rather have covid-19 than a stomach bug. 
          I was supposed to be asleep 4 hours ago. Someone p l e a d e put me outta me misery. :'))


@Matt_Fantasy | I'm feeling a tad better today—only got 3 1/2 hrs of sleep, ever since I'd gone to lie down at 8PM—but my god, it was terrible. I have never been so sick before; hadn't for years (aside from covid) and it was a punch in the face lmao. I'd gone down to see my dad briefly at midnight just sobbing, asking for some sort of med. Thankfully he had something and it worked but, it wasn't a fun time at all lol. 


@DemigodOfAnime IBS is a bit different, since stomach bugs tend to involve throwing up, which is much, much worse than diarrhea in every way. IBS diarrhea, as someone who has it, can also be worse than stomach bug diarrhea, partly because it doesn't go away when you take care of it. It takes it's sweet time to get out of your body (as soon as you eat something you shouldn't, worst in my case being too much beans, wheat, sugar, dairy), and the indigestion is the WORST. You might want to get rid of the problem but that decides to linger even when attempting to address the pain via the toilet. 


@WhisperingJadeDragon stomach flu is the worst sickness to have, out of the common ones. However, it tends to only last a day or two at most, unlike covid which can last a week or more. It sucks, but it's brief. Give yourself a bucket and some shows to watch and you'll get through it just fine. :) 


Off topic from the whole removal of PMs... I'm hoping to ACTUALLY start writing again. I'm planning a schedule for myself and what I'd like to work on first. And that's "His King." It's my most popular story; hoping to get started on the first chapter soon, and that it'll gain traction again. :)) 


It's the last day for PMs. If anyone wants to keep in contact, message me so I can give my Discord!!


Wished I had seen this sooner beforehand….


@WhisperingJadeDragon I lost my chance. If you did send it, it's gone for good now. 


@WhisperingJadeDragon would be okay. If I send you my discord if I need advice on my stories? 


Would anyone like to roleplay on Discord? Preferably BxB—since I don't think Wattpad is going to listen to us users and still shut down PMs.