Chapter 29

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Sorry for bad grammar and mistakes

Yoongi was at his office looking at the history of Jungkook's credit card. He was looking through the papers all spread at his desk.

Everything was a mess when he found something thinking that it was a piece of evidence that would lead Taehyung where he's held.

Only to be disappointed that it was nothing, Yoongi growled loudly throwing the papers everywhere. He gripped his hair feeling so much stress.

He knows that his unborn pups will be born when of these weeks. He is running out of time.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in Jin" Yoongi said in a raspy voice.

Jin came in with a tray of food giving Yoongi a small smile. He saw all the papers on the floor, he sighed Yoongi is going to kill himself.

"Take a small break Yoongi then you can continue," Jin said placing the food down on the desk.

Yoongi shook his head, "No I must continue to look for my family."

Yoongi got up going through some files, Jin was worried for the health of Yoongi. Like a mother, he is scared for his son and grandchildren.

"Jimin woke up...his pup survived," Jin said fiddling his hands.

Yoongi looked at Jin looking like a cat that was thrown out in the street.

"T-That's good..." Yoongi said quietly.

Jin sighed, "Please Yoongi eat you need to strong if you want to find Taehyung. He wouldn't like how you're doing. Please do it for him." Jin pleaded him.

Yoongi looked at the food, yes he needs to be strong if he wants to kick the ass of Jungkook.

He walked towards his desk sitting down eating the food.

Jin relaxed he finally made Yoongi eat.

That's when Yoongi's eyes turned red, Jin was shocked was his food bad.

"W-What's wrong Yoongi?" Jin asked kinda scared.

Yoongi got up running outside, Jin was confused but followed Yoongi.

Namjoon was at the table playing with his food not having the motivation to eat, he jumped when he heard a howl.

He got up quickly seeing the door open, he ran outside to see Jin standing looking at Yoongi who was at his knees howling.

Yoongi was crying holding his chest tight. That's when Namjoon knew what was happening. He walked where his husband was standing seeing him cry. Both knowing why was Yoongi howling...

Why was Yoongi howling?

Taehyung was at the bed gripping on the sheets, he was crying loud.

He took off his pants and underwear, he felt the contractions coming closer.

He doesn't know where Jungkook is since the guy always leaves him alone sometimes.

Taehyung was giving deep breaths, he felt a wave of pain hit him.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH" Taehyung screamed holding his tummy. Looks like he will be giving birth alone.

The contractions started, Taehyung was sweating badly he spread his legs. He doesn't know what to do.

But he needs to push, the doctors explained to him about childbirth.

Taehyung was scared but he needs to do it for his pups.

So he pushed with all his might feeling like someone was stabbing him down there.

He stopped to get deep breaths then did it again he yelled loudly. He felt something leave his body...

Taehyung was kinda dizzy but steady himself that's the moment he heard cries.

Taehyung gently got up looking through between his legs to see his pup. His son was covered with stuff, taking his shaking hands to hold his first pup who was crying for the warmth of his momma.

Taehyung held his baby putting him on his chest he was crying badly, he knows that his other baby will come out.

It took some three minutes for him to push again, Taehyung laid down his pup who was whimpering.

He pushed for the other pup to come out it took him long. Taehyung wanted to give up he couldn't do it anymore it hurts so much.

He could hear his pup crying, he can't anymore. But he thought of Yoongi telling him to continue to not give up. Saying they will meet their pups soon.

So Taehyung continues hearing the voice of Yoongi supporting him. He yelled so loud that he felt somewhat relaxed.

He felled down on the bed hearing two cries, he was out of breath, exhausted but needed to tend his pups.

Taehyung got up seeing the cord still connected he did study some childbirth knowing where to cut the cord.

He gently held his two babies getting off the bed, his legs wobbling going to the direction of the bathroom.

When he finally made it, he looked for a box once he found it. Taehyung grabbed a pair of scissors cutting the cords.

He went to the sink to start cleaning his sons. He looked at them both resembling their father.

He cried feeling the pang in his heart, Yoongi couldn't see their children being born.

When he was done cleaning them and wrapping them in a blanket. He walked out of the bathroom to see the bed have so many bloodstains.

He put his pups on the crib, even though his sides hurt he needed to clean it up.

It took him some time to clean it up, he put clean sheets on the bed.

He grabbed his two babies that were whining and whimpering.

His instinct kicked when he put his sons' lips on his nipples to feed them.

Once the twins attached their lips on nipples sucking the milk from their momma.

Taehyung sighed feeling the pain go away. He couldn't believe that his pups were born.

He noticed that one pup was smaller than the other one, which is weird.

But he didn't mind he held on to his pups seeing how adorable they were.

"I see you finally gave birth to our pups," Jungkook said.

Taehyung froze he held on to his babies, securing them.

"Ah, I missed it. Let's who they look like their mom or their pathetic father." Jungkook growled.

"P-Pl-please stay away Jungkook don't hurt them." Taehyung whimpered.

Jungkook was now standing in front of him, "They look like their father how disgusting."

"I should kill them..." Jungkook said smirking.

Taehyung looked at him, "NO JUNGKOOK PLEASE DON'T" Taehyung begged.

His pups squirming around, Jungkook looked at them how small they were.

"Alright, I won't since they came from you and I promised you that I won't."

Taehyung sighed with relief but still protecting his twins from Jungkook.

"Yoongi didn't see his twins being born that's sad" Jungkook laughed at that.

Taehyung wanted to punch Jungkook it was his fault that Yoongi couldn't see them.

I updated finally now I need to update my other story. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU GUYS HOPEFULLY YOU ARE SAFE AND HEALTHY!!! I will double update on New Year's Eve so be ready for that. Take care 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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