Chapter 9

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Bhris left about thirty minutes ago, he says he got something planned for me but I really don't give a damn. He honestly been pissing me off with these slick ass comments he's been saying , I'ma fuck around and slap his demon out of him. I sat anxiously waiting for him to come home, to 'see what he got in stored for me'. All I've been doing is waiting. That's all I ever do forreal, and as I was waiting I sat here and re- thought this whole situation, it could've gone way better but oh well.
If he wasn't so stubborn I could've gave him everything he wanted, see after all of the sick shit he has did to me I still loved him at the end of the day.

Many girls would walk away from a situation like this, no I'm sorry these bitches would of ran as fast as they could. My dumb ass stayed because I thought there was a possibility he would change. But no, I thought wrong. It's always the same thing every single time, we fight like animals and then fuck like animals. Well the fucking is just amazing but what's the point of fucking if I'm miserable after the sexual things we do. Right it's pointless. I looked up at the ceiling, red peelings of the wall in my bedroom reminded me of the same one in my old room I stayed in before I was kidnapped by this motherfucker.
While looking up at the ceiling, I heard the front door close, then foot steps quickly making its way up the stairs. The foot steps travel across the room from me. After that the foot steps slowly made its way in front of my door, it was a slight pause.

Two knocks of a hand fell it's way on to my door.

"Yes?" I say loudly

" can I come in?" he asked in such calmness, but you could hear the straight face and seriousness in his tone.

"Yes" I said out loud. I watched as the door opened slowly, watching his hand push it open. As it opens all the way, he stood at the entrance of the door, staring into my eyes.
"I love you" he calmly said while looking to the ground. I wondered if his eyes would change at those words, I imagined that.
"Look at me" I said while looking at him, waiting for his eyes to look towards mine.
His eyes slowly matched my eyes. The longer we held eyes, the deeper our souls stared into each other's bodies. It was beautiful in his eyes, I seen a very positive and happy place, even if he was dark, his soul was light. I forward my eyes in confusion, how was he so dark but the soul I didn't know he had was so light. It also amazed me, it made me think he can change. I think something in me hopes he change, for the better.
He broke our long gaze that we held, and stared at the ground once again.
" I know you love me, but I hate you" I said as I stared at him, he quickly stared into my eyes once again. 
" But I can't help but love you too" I said now staring into the grounding feeling a sense of embarrassment rushing down my body. I know this will be bad, bad for both of us but I want him. Sexually, I needed him, I know he felt it too, that sudden urge to fuck him, to feel him, to connect to him in a way we both loved.
" Can I?" I asked while looking at the ground nervously.
" Can you what?" He said so softly but also with sexual aggression.
"Can I have you?" I waited for him to answer, I waited for him to make a move, I waited for him to do something because this silence was killing me.
"Please" I said while looking into his eyes.
I watched him walk out of the room, then walk Back in. He stood right in front of me as I sat down, he stood over me. Looking down at me, I could feel the sexual tension that was on both of us.

" Look at me" he said, I pulled my head up looking up at him, he bent down grabbing my neck while kissing me. I let go of a deep breath that I didn't know I had, I melted into his hands, and as corny as it sounds, I knew in his hands that I was safe, I was loved. He was inlove with me, I could feel it.
I leaned back, causing us to fall on the bed not breaking the kiss. Our mouths in perfect sync, our tongues passionately made love, as his hands grip my hair, causing me to let out a soft moan.
"Fuck" he whispered in my lips. His words made me want to fuck him, I already was going to do that but I wanted to fuck with our souls, not just our bodies.

"Wait" I tried speaking out while kissing him. But even though I muffled out a word, he kept kissing me and caressing my body with his hands.
" hold on" I manage to muffle out louder.
He stop frustratedly and looked me in my eyes.

" what" He asked

"Let's just wait real quick" I said while trying to catch my breath.
" What do you mean" he questioned me with a curious look on his face.

" let's just slow down, go slower."
He stared at my face, reading it then shortly smiled at me.
"I'll go slow" he said while looking into my eyes.


It's been 49 mins since that moment and I'm sitting in my bed naked and upset. I know your wondering how I went from almost having sex to upset, well; it was Bhris ofcourse, you should've known that by now.
He literally was about to go down on me then suddenly called me another woman's name, In the middle of us about to have sex!!!
What type of shit is this?!!
But if your wondering how it went down well,

"I'll go slow" He said while looking into my eyes. Those words caused me to smile back. He passionately placed his palm onto my face caressing my cheek going in for a kiss, as his lips touch my lips, we both slowly but in sync kissed each other.
"I promise I'll go slow Kelly" he said against my lips. I quickly open my eyes, taken aback by his words. This man called me another woman's name, Kelly at that. Who the fuck is Kelly. I'm not one to be jelous but he was literally kissing me, about to fuck me, yet calling me another woman's name.
I was thinking to much I forgot he was kissing me, he started kissing down my neck, causing me to close my eyes, I just went with it and then suddenly.
"Isaiah" came out my mouth.
I soon felt his lips disappear against my neck.

" Isaiah" he said looking at me.
I looked at him with nothing but a straight face.

"Who the fuck is Isaiah?" Bhris calmly asked.
I looked at him as he stood over me, I laid out on the bed.
" Who the fuck is Kelly?" I tilt my head, mocking him, I watched him as his eyes widened.
By the look on his face, I could tell he knew he fucked up.
"How do you know Kelly?" He asked me
"You said her name while you were about to fuck me" I said with an attitude in my voice, I was getting annoyed, how could you forget something like that or even slip up like that.
"You know I ain't mean that, I'm sure I didn't mean it" he said
I'm sure?!!! I'M SURE?!!!
Did he really just say That to Me?!!!
"What the fuck you mean ' Im sure'?!" I yelled.
" You mean to tell me you don't care that a bitch named Kelly slipped out yo buck mouth ass lips?!"

I asked him, he palm his face in frustration,
"You know I ain't mean to say it like that so chill"
" Get the fuck out" I slowly said interrupting him.

"I didn't even mean it like that-" he tried to get out
" I said get the fuck out of my room!" I yelled while standing on the bed now face to face with him.
His eyes turned blue, I don't remember ever seeing blue in his eyes before but like usual I didn't give no fucks about none of that shit, he had me fucked all the way up if he think I'm about to fuck him and he calling me another bitch name.
He stared into my eyes with his blue eyes, then after what felt like a long time he walked out the door making sure to slam it while on his way.

So now that you know what happened, would you have done the same too?
Or would you have done worse? Keep in mind this man/demon is not fucking human, he looks human though but is most definitely not.
I can't believe he called me "Kelly" like now I wanna know who the bitch is.
We were literally in the process of fucking, the dick wasn't even inside me and he fucked up.

I was already mad at him before us about to have sex, and he came in tryna say that 'I LoVe YoU" shit, you know it kinda makes sense now. He did come in so suddenly saying it out of nowhere, maybe he was saying it out of guilt, and my stupid ass thought he was trying to be a passionate man, Oh how I thought fucking wrong.

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