Christmas Imagine

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Fluff, fluff, fluff
You woke with a start when you heard the loft door slam shut, you had been waiting up for Lou as she had to work late at the club for Christmas Eve. You looked at the clock on the mantle piece and realised it was almost 4 o'clock in the morning, Christmas Day.

Rubbing your eyes you staggered off the couch, clad in one of your girlfriends band tees with a pair of sleep shorts, you went to see what Lou was up to. You quietly entered the kitchen, Lous back to you as she was occupied making what looked like a cup of hot chocolate; 'Lou?' You said quietly not to startle her.
Lou turned round slowly as you noticed her hair a little messy, eyeliner smudged more then usual and her clothes creased. You was met with a small smile and guilty eyes ' Hi sweetheart, what are you doing up?' You walked slowly to her and wrapped you arms around her neck as she nuzzled your hair.
'I was waiting for you silly, I fell asleep on the sofa but I'm glad your home, Merry Christmas' you looked up at her and smiled. The little smirk she had been wearing turned into a full grin as she bent down to peck your lips her hands coming to wrap around your waist.
'Merry Christmas Y/N, How about I make us a hot chocolate and we can watch a movie in bed?' She whispered into your hair, 'hmmm that sounds wonderful! I'll go see what we can watch' you say as you kiss her again, this time long and slow as you grin into each others mouths. With a chaste kiss and a pinch on your hip she turns to make the hot chocolate as you run upstairs into yours and Lous bedroom.

You put on the fairy lights that you had hanging on the walls and got more fluffy blankets to be extra cosy. Turning on the TV at the end of your bed you flicked through the channels until you spotted a favourite of yours both,;The Nightmare Before Christmas. You slumped back into the covers as you paused it waiting for Lou. A couple minutes later she came in balancing two mugs one in each hand each hot chocolate piled up with marshmallows and whipped cream. You pushed yourself up leaning on the headboard as she handed you a mug, placing them on your respected bedside tables, Lou stripped out of her vest and trousers and grabbed a T-shirt and shorts.

You watched her every move as she crawled in beside you as you turned to get a make up wipe for her, you straddled her legs as her hands rested on your hips. It had become somewhat of a routine for you to take her make up off, you loved to reveal her natural beauty taking into account her blue eyes, pale skin with soft wrinkles and freckles. Your breath always caught,she truly was beautiful and she was all yours. She looked up at you adoringly as you wiped the last bit of eyeliner from underneath her eyes, you kissed her cheeks as you went back to sit against the headboard and throwing the wipe into the waste basket.

Lous soft voice broke the silence 'what are we watching honey?' Her arm came out to draw you in, immediately snuggling into her as your legs got tangled together. 'The Nightmare before Christmas, if you don't want this on I'm sure there's something else.' She gave  you a disapproving glance at your last comment knowing that you've made the perfect choice. Lolling your head on her shoulder you played the movie, every now and then both moving to take sips of your hot chocolate. Maybe it was the soothing hand on you hip that was delicately rubbing circles into your skin, or the slow breathing of your partner but your eyes where getting heavy and before you knew it you where asleep.

Waking up you felt arms wrapped around you, the weight comforting while soft breaths where being blown on your neck. Snuggling closer you took a moment to appreciate Lou being there with you, no interruptions just the two of you. Turning around you was met with Lous sleeping form her mouth opened slightly, her hair mused. She was so peaceful and beautiful you couldn't help placing a single kiss to the tip of her nose. You felt her arms squeeze tighter and little hums filled the air as Lou slowly opened her eyes, crystal blues peered at you with all the love in the world.

'Morning' Lous voice was hoarse with a hint of amusement, her hand came up from around you waist to tuck some loose strands of your
Y/C hair behind your ear. You smiled and leaned into her hand 'Good Morning, did you sleep well?' Lou hummed with a smile while turning you over so that she was on top of you, you giggled as she kissed all over your face and neck.

She stared at you for what felt like years, a smile that was reserved for you gracing her face. 'I love you' she said in a whispered tone while she moved her hand under your shirt to touch the warm skin of your stomach, a comfort thing for the both of you. You rubbed her hips while whispering an 'I love you too' as she bent down to kiss you. You looked up at her 'what time is it? Have we slept away most of Christmas? You smirked, a deep laugh came out of her as she bent to get your phone from the side table, 'wow, 11:45am, we've practically got all day left baby.' She grinned as she tossed you phone aside.

Eventually you made it down stairs both sat on the couch with a coffee in hand, music playing in the background as you both started to unwrap your presents from the rest of the gang. Debbie got you a joint present of a trip to London staying at the Ritz for a month, Constance had gifted you some questionable jewellery which made Lou let out a snort, Rose and Daph had tailored a gorgeous suit for Lou; royal blue which would look divine against her skin and you a beautiful suite/dress (whichever you prefer) in your favourite colour. Nine and Tammy had given you the latest gadgets along with some luxury pamper sets. Finally Amita had crafted two beautiful lockets out of the finest silver, inside had a picture of the gang on one side and Lou in yours while she had a picture of you in hers on the other side.

You where speechless, overwhelmed in fact with the amount of love that all your girls had put into their gifts, of course you'd told them that all you needed was them and no presents, Lou sensed your current state and moved to sit next to you and brushed your hair soothingly. 'Are you ok sweetheart?' You looked up giving her a tearful smile and you could see the concern in her eyes 'yes I'm ok, it's just I- I never thought this could be my life, with the girls, with you.' You grabbed her hand and brought it to your lips. Lou just smiled at you, no words needed she bent down and brought out a square box wrapped in red paper. You giggled 'what's this?' you eye her, 'someone's been so good this year that I thought why not slip a note to Santa.' Lou said with a wink, you blushed and looked down at the gift, perfectly wrapped.

Cautiously you opened it, to see a plain velvet box, you noticed it was too big to be a ring, softly stroking the box you opened the lid; you let out a tiny gasp it was a silver picture frame with diamonds encrusting it in an elegant fashion and there in the middle was a photo of the two of you, you'd never seen this one before; obviously you had photos of you both scattered around the loft but those you had posed for. However this one was where both of you were unaware of the camera, you recognised it was after a long but successful heist and you where stood arms wrapped around each other mid laugh both your eyes flared with love and compassion;you gently swiped your finger over the photo.

When you looked up Lou was wearing the same expression as yourself, you immediately pushed your body against hers as you delved in for a hungry kiss , it was a sweet uplifting moment only broken by her chuckles.

You pulled back, only for her to stop you from moving as she was gazing at you with pure admiration 'Merry Christmas my love, I love you so much.' You was grinning widely 'I love you too, I think you deserve your present Miss Miller.' You say with a smirk.

The best gift ever.

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