6| Tasty Little Prey

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At the endless horizon where land kissed the sky, the blue shades of dawn spread wide

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At the endless horizon where land kissed the sky, the blue shades of dawn spread wide. First birds chirped upon the morning star. Cool winds tickled the dew touching the green grass.

It was too early for the residents of Louisville to be awake at this time, especially in this fine neighborhood. All except for one miserable fella.

He parked his famous Jaguar in front of his house. As soon as the engine stopped, Jesse Calaway got out of his car with his nose wrinkled in disgust. He puffed up his shoulders to get close enough to sniff his own clothes. Wet, crumpled, and smelly. He shuddered and almost gagged when the memory of that creature urinating on him crossed his mind.

His exhausted face held mountains of disturbing emotions. Eyes still wide in shock. A frown of fear clasping his brows. But on the top of that mountain was disgust. He couldn't think straight with that stench crawling into his nose every time he breathed.

"I need a shower." He covered his mouth as a sour taste climbed up his throat. He swallowed and said, "ASAP."

With that thought in his mind, he stepped toward the house. His footsteps were lazy and awkward. Like the walk of a person loathing himself. And he did loath that awful smell on him.

He paused at the door, fiddling with the keys in his hand for a moment thinking, I hope Mom isn't still waiting for me. He sighed just before he entered the keys into the lock and turned the handle. Please, don't be awake. Please, don't be awake.

Peeking through the open door, he didn't find anyone in the living room. Turning his head to the left, he noticed the lights were on. He grimaced when he saw his mom resting her head on the kitchen's island. Her back was turned at him so he thought he could sneak in.

Slowly stepping into the house, he locked the door carefully, eyes still focused on his mom. She's still fast asleep.

Jesse walked toward the stair with stealthy footsteps. When he was halfway through, he stopped to take a look at his sleeping mother.

There she was, all peaceful and quiet, but a trail of dry tears was visible on her cheeks. The phone was still in her, and a heap of tissues beside her. Her face bore sorrow and worry.

Jesse gloomed, a little piece of himself broke inside. He caused his mother's sadness when he lost his phone and didn't show up all night. Even though he didn't mean for it to happen, it was all out of his control, he still caused pain and suffering to his loving mother.

He wanted to pat her head and tell her that he's all right, but not before taking that shower.

I can't let her see me like this.

He turned to the stairs, only managing to take a single step forward when a white furball jumped at him, hissing.


"AAAAHHH." Jesse toppled down on his butt.

He opened his eyes to Dee Dee on top of him, hissing and spitting with her ears flattened back against her head.

"Go away!" He shoved her off of him and watched her walk away, growling with her bushy tail waving at him. "Stupid ol' cat."

"Jesse?" All this noise woke Natalie up with eyes watering with tears when she saw him. "You're back." Her half-sad half-relieved smile broke his heart.

Jesse jolted up and took a step back. "Oh. Hi, Mom." He nervously smiled and raised his hands up with a shrug. "I'm here."

"For heaven's sake! Where were you? I was so worried about you." Natalie unlocked the breaks on her wheelchair and approached him. "You didn't answer my calls. I called Emma and she said you just disappeared. Nobody knew where you were, not even Gray."

Every time she got closer, Jesse got further.

"What's wrong, Pumpkin?"

She stared at his dirty outfit and uncombed hair; he looked like a wreck.

"Nothing. Umm." He lowered his head, avoiding any contact with her, and continued to withdraw back. "I need to take a shower."

"But, wait." She stretched her arms out in a caring way. "I wanna know what happened to you."

"No!" Jesse raised his palm at her. "Don't come any closer, Mom. I'm all right." Afraid that she might smell his nauseous scent, he added, "I just really need a shower right now," then he ran up to the second floor, ignoring his mom's interrogations.

What am I supposed to tell her? Werewolves are real? Oh, and one of them pissed on me?

He had a hard time believing it himself.


After a long relaxing shower, Jesse stepped out of the bathroom in a white robe. The sweet scent of freshness filled his lungs. Finally! He rubbed dry his hair with a towel then dropped it on the bed where his new clean clothes were arranged.

He had an expensive taste; Black Armani sweatpants, Calvin Kline jeans, and a white Versace outfit all laid down on his bed for him to choose from.

He yawned then rubbed his eyes. Lord knows I could use some sleep right now. He brushed his hand against the fabric of the clothes to pick one when a chilly wind made him shiver. To his left, he saw the curtains moving against an open window. His heart rattled in his chest.

Did I leave the window open before I got into the shower?

He slowly approached it, barely moving his feet, afraid that something might jump through at any moment.

Once he stood right in front of the window, he placed his hands on the top rail, took a deep breath, and released it.

But that didn't calm him down.


Uneven, fast breaths shook his chest.

I don't remember leaving it open.

He was in the midst of having a panic attack.

He quickly pushed the window down until it clicked. Then he noticed the lower edge of the frame. His heart sunk to the pit of his stomach when he saw the markings that ruined the white paint of the wooden interior.


Just before his brain processed what was happening, he heard a voice behind him that made him freeze.

"Mmm. I've never seen anything so tasty."

The hair at the back of Jesse's neck stood up. His breathing became shallow and shaky. He wanted to turn around and face the monster that invaded his room, but his limbs had a mind of their own. Finally, he gathered all the courage in him to swiftly turn around, wrapping his arms around him in a defensive way.

There, at the corner of the room, he saw him; T-Bone, the guy who harassed him in that dark alley.

There, at the corner of the room, he saw him; T-Bone, the guy who harassed him in that dark alley

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Aw, snap! O.O

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