19-Lost Friendships

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It was a very sunny day which meant Marcus and Demetri could visit. An that mean they couldn't stop us from going to visit Jacob. After finding out about the wolves from Bella, Caius had made it very clear that they were "savage mutts that should be put down." We both decided not to tell Marcus or Demetri we were going. Dad had happily dropped us off on his way to see Sue. We heard the radio in the garage playing and walked over seeing Jacob sat there working on a bike. He must have realised we was there because he looked up.

"Bella? Jamie?" He didn't move to hug like he used to. What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, Jake." Bella frowned.

"We came to see you. Did our dad tell you that-"

"Jake? You here?" I turned around seeing a young Quinlette girl stood there. "Oh sorry. I didn't know anyone would be here-"

"Amy." Jacob quickly go up an hugged her, kissing her cheek. "I didn't know you was coming over."

"I wanted too surprise you." Her face went red as he smiled at her.

"Ummm...hello?" I asked and Jacob looked over to us.

"Oh um...Jamie. Bella. This is Amy. My girlfriend and imprint." He smiled. I happily walked over an looked he over.

"Well you definitely got a beautiful girl Jake." Her face went red again and I hugged Jake. "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks." Jake smiled.

"I thought the alpha didn't Imprint?" Bella asked.

"He's not supposed to but I'm not complaining." Jake said as Amy's face brightened.

"It's good that you'll have someone here when we leave." I smiled.

"Leave?" Jake frowned. "Is Bella going with you back to California or something?" I glanced at Amy and back to Jake. "Amy why don you go wait inside the house. I'll be there in a second." The girl looked confused but nodded anyway. She kissed his cheek before hurrying up to the house. "So what is it? Where are you going?"

"Well we didn't go to California. We went to Italy. Turns out Victoria. The red head you was chasing away...she went to the rulers of the vampires and we was taken to the Cullen's trial. Apparently exposing there kind to humans is agents their law." Bella frowned. "Edward...well you was right about him. He was evil and cruel and...what I found out about him was disgusting."

"What?" Jake asked.

"Apparently Edwards been dragging girls along for years. He had a gift, to read and manipulate the mind. He's make the girls so dependent on him that they couldn't do anything without him. Then when his family has to leave that Aries he'd wait and see how long the girl would last wore they committed suicide." I frowned. "Bella was the latest girl he chose."

"But why do you have to leave. I mean the Cullen's aren't here. Neither is he." Jake frowned.

"Edward was trialled and exercised for his crimes." Bella whispered. "But while we was there...we met our mates."

"What?" His jaw fell open. "No. More vampires!? Do you not remember what they did to you Bella!?" I could see him getting angrier as he took a step closer.  I quickly pulled Bella back, behind me.

"Step back Jake." I hissed.

"No! You went for bloodsuckers before and look what happened. Now your doing it again! I'm not losing my two best friends to those monsters!"   He yelled.

"It's our choose." Bella frowned an "I thought-"

"What? That I'd be happy for you? That everything would be okay?" He snapped, Bella's eyes filled with tears. "Last time I didn't know. But now I do. I'm not watching you turn into a monster Bella. Get out." He then turned his back to us and Bella's eyes couldn't hold back the tears any more. I grabbed he hand and pulled her out the garage. We walked towards the road and frowned.

"Dad's not going to be here for an hour." I frowned. I felt my phone go off. I pulled it out my pocket, seeing Marcus's name light up the scream. It was then I realised I had gotten cloudy. The sun was covered. I quickly answer it.

"Hello Marcus. Are you having a good day?" I asked by I didn't get a response. "Marcus?"

"I'm very disappointed with you." That one sentence made my heart hurt. "You didn't tell me you was going to the wolves territory. I don't know why you didn't trust me enough to tell me bu we will talk about that later. "Oh Marcus I do trust you. I swear I do. "I'm waiting at the edge for the town's border now. Hurry before I cross it." He then hung up.


We had to walk the whole way and soon we saw Marcus's black car.

"How mad do you think they'll be?" Bella asked still upset about what had happened with Jacob.

"I think they'll be furious." I frowned as we walked closer. Demetri got out and pulled Bella in a hug and pull her towards the car. They go into the back as I got in to the passenger side. Marcus just pulled out of park an drove back to our house. Not saying a word. The 30 minute drive was filled with Demetri questioning Bella. If he was okay. If she was hurt. It the 'mutt' had done anything. When we pulled up in front of our house we all got out except Marcus. He just staid in the car. I sighed and wen inside. I wen up to my room and sat on my bed.

I'm very disappointed with you.

That sentence repeated in my head. My chest hurt and I laid down. I upset him.

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