"The thunderstorm"

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While Bakugou had you in his lap he put on some music to help you calm down and turned it up loud.After a few minutes the lighting stopped and you calmed down Bakugou asked you if you were okay because he was really worried.You both were snuggling and fell asleep.
You woke up and realized you had to go to a wedding with your mom because your uncle was getting married.You got up really fast and got in the shower and cleaned up.You called your sister to get your dress then she gave you it after 5 minutes.

As you were getting ready bakugou woke up and wrapped his hands around you and layed his head on your back.He then said "why are you getting dressed up?" In a scratchy voice.You said "I have to go to a wedding I'll be back at 8 I promise" then you kissed him and left.

When you got back you could smell your favorite food then ran into the kitchen.You saw bakugou making your favorite meal and said "Thank you baby" then kissed him on the cheek.He blushed really bad and said "since you were out late i thought I might as well make your favorite food" and "I also made you a warm bath upstairs"

You said "really!!" Then ran upstairs and got in immediately.

Bakugou x y/n LOOK AT LAST CHAPTER IF YOU ARE DISAPPOINTED Where stories live. Discover now