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Info for this chapter:
- Peter is biologically Tony's son
- He grew up in SouthWest London but moved in with Tony when his biological mom died in a car crash when he was 10
- He is 14 now and has been Spider-Man for 2 years
- He can do an American accent but speaks in his normal British accent. Him speaking in an American accent will be bolded.
- His full name is Peter Thomas Benjamin Holland-Stark
- He goes to Midtown and is dating MJ and is best friends with Ned.

On with the oneshot!

Also keep in mind that I'm not British. I'm Canadian and all the British terms in this oneshot are things I've heard from other stories and things I've heard English people use. Please don't hate me.

Peter's POV
I step out of the elevator and walk to the kitchen. Today overall was a great day, school was good. Flash didn't bother me. And I did really well on a test, so my day was great.

I knew Dad was in the kitchen so I started telling him about my day. "Hello Dad! Today was brilliant." I start, facing the fridge to get some water.

"Harrison and Sam called me today and told me they watched the new Stars Wars film. They said it was smashing and wanted to show me it when we see each other next. Ned showed me a picture of his new BB-8 Lego set and" - I stopped for a second to take a breath and drink my water - "wanted to build it with me next time we hang out. It looks bloody brilliant and I'm ecstatic to build it with him. Speaking of friends, I was wondering if Haz and Sammy could come over this weekend as well as MJ and Ned. Is that okay?" I say, refilling my glass with water.

"Hey, do you know when Mum is coming home? She said that work was going to be ending early today because she said she didn't have a lot of meetings today. Mum said there was a new film that came out today and she wanted to watch it, so I'm pretty sure we're watching that tonight, I think it's called Gemini Man (I know this movie isn't new but my family and I watched it recently so it's new to me. It's a really good movie, I totally recommend it!). The film sounds absolutely smashing." I say, finally turning around.

I wasn't expecting the rouge avengers staring at me then switching their gaze to Dad. I'm gobsmacked, what are the rouges doing here?!?!

"Uh, Stark? Why is there a British teenager in your kitchen?" Captain America asks

Dad answers with "Well, that's simple. He's my son."

"You're the British kid's dad?" The Falcon asked, laughing.

"Well, obviously. I wouldn't call my brother or friend 'Dad'. Of course he's my father." I sass.

"But why are you British?" Hawkeye asked.

"Peter grew up with his biological mom in London but when she died in a car crash, Peter moved in with me. His biological father." Dad explained.

There was a course of 'oh' and then The Black Widow asked "When did he move in with you? What part of London are you from?"

"I'm a native of Southwest London, darling and I moved in with Dad when I was 9 and I am 14 now." I answer

"But that was 5 years ago. How is your accent still so strong?!" The Falcon asked.

Me and Dad started chuckling, my accent had gotten very, very watered down since I first gotten to America.

"Bambino's accent has gotten way more American. It's way less British then when he first came here." Dad says

"Yeah, remember when I first got here. When I wanted to say 'I love you Dad' it would come out as 'I luv you Dod'." I say, laughing. Dad joins in with the laughing as we remember that memory.

"But Dad can Haz, Sammy, Ned and MJ come over on the weekend?" I ask.

"It's alright as long as their parents are okay with it Underoos." Dad, says.

"Wait, hold up. Underoos? This kid is Spiderman? Spiderman was American." Black Widow asked

"Why, yes. I am Spiderman. I put on an American accent so people wouldn't figure out my identity. Did my fake accent fool you?" I asked.

I start texting Sammy and Haz saying that they can come over if they want. Dad notices I'm texting for a while and says "Tom are you writing a whole essay for them?"

I roll my eyes and reply by saying "I'm telling them to bring some British junk food. American junk food tastes terrible, especially twinkies. I'm crazing some British snacks."

"Holy fu"- "Language Clint!"- Holy fudge! That's really good." Clint said.

"You brought a freaking kid to fight half the Avengers Tony?!? I knew you were irresponsible, self-centred and idiotic but to bring a child into this?!?" Steve screamed at Dad.

Dad opened his mouth to retort while he gave me a look that said "Don't say anything Peter. Calm down.", noticing my balled fist but Steve continued, "You really don't care about anyone else other than yourself! I can't believe you brought a kid to a frickin' fight!"

Then Steve muttered a bunch of curses and insult towards Dad under his breath. He said it so quietly that I almost didn't hear it.

"Shut up." I said.

"What?" Steve asked

"Shut. Up." I repeated

"Look kid, I know he's your dad but he's not as good as you think. Stay out of this." Steve replies

"Shut up. SHUT UP!! Do you know how many sleepless nights he's had just to get you guys pardoned? How many panic attacks? Did you know he almost died? Y'know when you attacked him in Siberia. I found him frozen to the bone, lips purple and skin sickly white. You attacked him not the other way around. He was sad cause your best friend murdered his parents and you kept that from him. You're the one who brushed his arc reactor and startled him. He was just trying to defend himself. Do you know how many nightmares he's had because you slammed your shield into his arc reactor knowing it would kill him. You are so freaking lucky that he had a surgery to remove his reactor and he didn't die or I swear to god, I would have murdered you. So listen here Mr. Stars and Stripes you stay away from my father or you will die, understood?" I yell at him.

He doesn't answer me so I pick him up by the collar of his shirt and say "UNDERSTOOD?", my voice dripping in hate.

He nods and I put him down. I turn to walk away but stop and punch him, really hard in the face.

I hear a sickening crack from his nose and Rogers falls to the ground unconscious but alive.

"If anyone has a problem with my family, you answer to me. I'm not afraid to beat your butts either." I inform them.

Dad looks a mixture of surprise, shock and pride. "C'mon Peter. Let's go to the lab, before Pep comes home" Dad says

My face immediately brightens and I start bouncing up and down with excitement. I nod enthusiastically and give the rouges one last death glare before jumping on the ceiling  and racing to the lab.

As I walk away I hear the rouges conversation:

"That's one scary kid." I hear the Falcon say

"When did Stark become such a Dad?" Hawkeye said

"Remind me to never, ever mess with that teenager." THE Black Widow

There was a chorus of "Me too", "Same" and "Agreed".

I smirk to myself while I think "I just scared the rouge avengers!"

WhAt?!? Is that two chapters in one day?! Wow! I'm on a roll!

Hoped you like this chapter!

Found this song on YouTube and thought it was amazing.

Anyways, hoped you liked the chapter!

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