18. Sean Windsor

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It had been a week since Ariana had transformed and she had been talking to her wolf a lot these days. For the first time in a year, she didn't feel lonely. She also had been feeding herself adequately on the demand of Saoirse. In that short span, she had started looking healthier than before.

She was sitting in the university library, going through notes taken in classes that day. There was one other girl present there. Ariana stood up to grab a book from the shelve beside her when she saw the librarian, sitting in front, motioning index finger towards her.


"This is your second year, yes?" asked the librarian as she adjusted her glasses.

"Yes. Third semester."

"Okay. So here are some names. Find them right now and tell them that I've called." She handed Ariana a piece of paper.

Ariana nodded and was about to walk towards the book shelve when she heard the librarian say "Right now."

"Right now?" asked Ariana, her brows furrowed.



"Umm...These people burrowed books from here but haven't returned since ages and I need those books for record right now."

Ariana took a glance at list of names in the paper. "I don't even know these people. Where do I search for them?"

"Why don't you go to that place where everybody hangs out after college?"

Ariana found this suggestion and task quite unusual. But the librarian had let her stay beyond their closing time many times, so she didn't want to deny her. She nodded silently and headed out of the library.

Another person popped out from behind the desk. "I've checked the records. And every single student has submitted their books on time. So, what was that?"

The librarian sighed. "I've observed this girl for a year, Ryan. She always comes here by herself and goes late. I don't know. I felt bad for her. So I wrote down names of some random students and sent her to that pub."

"She's at the top of her class for a reason, you know?"

"One night won't do any harm, okay Ryan?"

"Okay, Rachael." Ryan laughed.


The pub, which the librarian had mentioned, was very popular among students of that university. Ariana knew that students of her semester usually hang out in that place but had never been there. After a walk of 10 minutes, she stood in front of it and looked at the neon sign. "Ace of Clubs."

The place was as busy as ever. Ariana took a look around and saw some familiar faces. She approached a group of people near her. "Excuse me."

"Yeah?" A boy turned around.

"Could you please tell me whether Alison Eriksen is here or not?"

A girl near them turned around. "She is at the library."


''The other girl at the library must have been Alison." Ariana thought. She released a long sigh and looked at other name.

"Umm...excuse me." Ariana poked the same girl who had helped her earlier. "Sorry. Could please tell me where Seen is?"


"Seen Windsor."

The girl let out a chuckle. "I saw him upstairs."

"Thanks again." Ariana muttered before going up the stairs. She saw a group of boys. Some were sitting on a couch while some were standing. There were drinks on the table.

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