New Year 2020 Vienne

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New Year's Day SUAW Assignment in which I write about one of my character's New Year's experience.  I chose Vienne from The Vampire and the Rebel since that story is my precious new baby du jour.

This assignment, like its parent story, has some darker themes in it.

I pulled away from Lucas and pushed back the mass of my dark hair as I licked his blood from my lips.  He put pressure on the wound that I had left in his delightful flesh to stop it from bleeding further.

"Do you need anything else, Mistress?" he asked, bobbing his blond head in deference.

I considered my handsome feeder slave.  He was more tense than usual.  I could tell that he had something on his mind, but I decided not to press him on the issue.  He would either tell me, or not tell me, as the case might be.

I could be patient.  I had time to wait.

"No. Thank you, Lucas.  You're dismissed."

"You're welcome."  He got up from the chaise beside me and began walking towards the wide doors of my chambers.  He paused on the threshold.  "And, happy New Year."

I had not even realized the date before he spoke, but I recalled such things had significance to humans so I responded, "Happy New Year to you, too, Lucas."

My human guards opened the doors and Lucas departed, leaving me to consider our interaction.

An odd strange sort of melancholy curled within me at the thought of another year passing.  The years usually passed me by like just another drop of water in a rainstorm.  By this point in my existence the coming of an arbitrary new year meant little to me.  What was the significance of another year when I had hundreds before and likely hundreds still to come?

Still, Lucas' words affected me and I was not sure why, although I suspected that the origin of the trouble lay in exactly the same direction of all my other recent afflictions, a certain new rebellious human slave of mine.

My mind wandered to my favourite insurgent without my conscious permission.  His fearlessness and determination called to me as much as did his attractive form and that vibrant blood beneath his skin.  I loved the way he looked at me with raw hatred and the way I could see his mind working to find a way to escape me.

I remembered the way I had made him promise that when he tried to kill me, he would make the attempt in an interesting way.  I felt a purely emotional shiver run up my spine at the thought, until it hit my face as a smile.

My amusement dimmed and I frowned.  My mind seemed determined to wander, but only in his direction.  I was supposed to be pondering my current interests and future plans, not daydreaming about the most fascinating human I had ever met.

I should not let myself get distracted by my own possible beautiful destruction.

It was pointless to continue sitting here if my mind was going to be so unruly.  Standing up abruptly, I walked to the doors.  My guards nodded their respectful acknowledgement as I swept between them.

I wandered the halls, my slaves acknowledging me respectfully as I encountered them.  I smiled at each in turn, then I found myself at Leif's office.  I knew he was inside, because I could hear the slight sound of movement through the door.  I knocked.

"Come in," he said.

I turned the handle and pushed open the barrier.  I entered the tidy office where the competent Leif kept my affairs in order for me.

"Oh, Mistress.  Good evening."

I smiled at him.  He had the appearance of lineage tracing back to the far east from the times before the human suppression wars, but after centuries of vampiric oppression, most humans had no idea where their ancestors might have come from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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