Chapter 51. The hidden queen

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At Celia's home pack

"Hello, Luna!" Greeted a well dressed woman, the even more glamorous dressed woman in front of her.

With clothes that at a glance one could tell cost a fortune, paired with flashy jewelry, and a thick layer of make up on her face, Brianna turned to the familiar voice that happily called her.

She smiled, putting the glass of wine she had in her hand on the table, before kissing the cheeks of her friend, replying to her greeting.

The woman was the last to appear for the party she had set up, so now they could all settle in the living room, gossiping about the latest news.

The dozen women that sat on the chairs and couches were good friends of hers since childhood, and as Brianna had become their Luna, the women had an even tighter friendship. Of course, it was to be expected... who wouldn't want to flatter their Luna, assuring for themselves a more prestigious position in the pack, as a consequence of their "everlasting" friendship.

Brianna as well liked their presence and friendship. The nonstop compliments they directed to her at every chance they got, and the opportunity to flaunt all she had, were the things she lived for.

"You look more and more beautiful by the day, who could tell your are already a mother? Honestly, and as usual your clothes are from this year's collection. We really can't find anyone more beautiful than you, even between the pups that are just now growing up. The alpha must love you more and more with each passing day." One of her friends immediately opened her mouth, just barely having seated herself on the couch.

Although inside the woman's mind, she was cursing at Brianna using all the bad words she could think of. The supposed Luna, who should have managed the money for the pack's sake, was splurging everything she could on herself. And, of course, she would not look like a mother, how could she? The alpha of their pack was the one who handled everything for his heir. Brianna did not lift a finger to do something for the young boy. A mother, what a joke!! Her only merit was giving birth.

Not to mention, the love of the alpha towards her... the man would not see her for days at a time. He would, from time to time, be rumored to be at the arms of a different woman. Love her? The man could not even stand looking at her. But still, as the Luna her influence was not small, even if it was only in front of the rest of the pack, and not the alpha.

"Indeed. Really, who can compare to you? I am getting ashamed now that I thought to dress myself with clothes from last year's collection and finding they looked good enough." Sighed the next girl, having similar thoughts to the previous girl.

All this time, Brianna just shyly smiled, not agreeing or denying their words, so in the end silently admitted their claims.

The flattery went on for a bit longer, as they all patiently shared similar words of praise, or at least agreed to someone else's statement.

Finally, after several more compliments, accompanied by several more curses, the girls could fortunately discuss some other things. So they shifted the subject, not expecting for Brianna to also flatter them in some way, in the past she had done so, but ever since the mark of the alpha appeared on her neck she ceased doing it.

"I got some rumors from the palace!!" Excitedly informed one of the women, looking even more eager to share the information, than she appeared previously when she complimented Brianna.

"Ohhh, what is it??" Asked the others, with the same excitement. Their friend had a cousin working in a kitchen in one of the adjacent buildings of the palace. The young woman was just an assistant in the kitchen, and was also farther away from the private quarters of his highness, but would still hear some things from time to time about his private life, and would also inform her cousin about them.

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