Just One Night

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Above cover made by none other than tashajadewrites (she's such a sweetheart go read her books!!)

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Above cover made by none other than tashajadewrites (she's such a sweetheart go read her books!!).

My grandmother always used to tell me, "If anyone is in danger, you should always help them out."

Well, that doesn't explain the fact that currently a guy was crouching down next to my aunt's car, his red cap kinda misplaced on top of his head.

I didn't even know if he was in need of help or not. I meant, he could be a criminal, hiding from cops for God's sake.

I stayed rooted to where I was standing, i.e., a few feet away from my aunt's car. The guy's back was facing me, so he wasn't able to see me.

With shaky hands stuffed in the pockets of my black leather jacket, I open my mouth. "Who are you?"

Damn, it came out more as a squeak than a question.

The guy turned his head towards me so fast that he might have snapped his head into two. The moment he turned his head towards me, his cap fell off and his eyes widened at the sight of me. "Oh fuck," he muttered, loud enough for me to hear.

Oh fuck indeed!

I couldn't believe the person crouching down a few feet away in front of me is actually in front of my eyes. Same chocolate shaded hair, same smooth jawline, same vibrant green eyes, same luscious lips...... Alright stop now.

I recomposed my shocked state and opened my mouth. "Umm do you need anything?"

He looked to his right and left, before standing up and gazing at me. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, "You don't know me?"

I knitted my eyebrows together. Is he kidding me right now?

"Of course I know you!" I immediately replied back. "You're Jaeden Martell for God's sake! I bet everyone has seen It Chapter One and Two."

How the hell would I not know Jaeden freaking Martell?! He was so famous, especially known for his incredible role as Bill Denbrough in both the films of It duology. It'd be so embarrassing if no one was aware of how freaking talented he is in acting, and skateboarding.

Not to mention how huge of a crush I have on him.

Realizing that I was lost in my own thoughts, I snapped back into reality and cleared my throat, before looking back at Jaeden's angelic face, only to realize that he was staring back at me.

"So you're aware of me," he slowly said, now raising both his bushy eyebrows. "And it doesn't matter to you that I'm literally standing in front of you, right?"

Of course it matters. If watching my celebrity crush standing right in front of me doesn't matter, then I really don't think anything matters to me at all.

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