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Sorry to add an authors note on the first chapter, but i just wanted to let you know that the first few are fairly short and shit but get longer as the go on:)

The night is approaching, River finally arrived to the address in which the Weasley's had mailed her; after leaving Hogwarts hours earlier to have a sneak peak at the muggle world. As she began looking for a familiar face around the houses of which you were standing near, a tall plump figure emerged from the shadows.

"Took your time, River." Mad Eye Moody said, whilst hopping along closer to the houses. She was happy to see some familiarity, after the Weasleys said someone would greet her there.

"Sorry, wasn't particularly sure what I was meant to be looking out for, and I've had to lug this around with me all day." she responded whilst hoisting her trunk.

Mad Eye had taught briefly whilst she was at Hogwarts but she knew him fairly well due to her mother. Just the thought of her made River well up. She had died recently at Hogwarts, she worked there and during the Triwizard tournament, she had gone in to try and save the champions after seeing a red spark, despite Dumbledores disapproval. But she had died in there whilst trying to protect Cedric and Harry. She was never sure about your father, anytime she would suggest conversation about him her mother always shut her down, no one else would ever speak of it either.

She had been part of the order for a long while, Molly and her had been friends for what seems like forever. The order were gathering again, due to recent events surrounding the dark lord. She had never been to the headquarters before, neither had any of the other kids; they would always say that River and the others were to young. But seeing as what Harry had been through, after meeting Voldemort himself, they believed it was time they were included.

Moody stood next to her whilst whispering a spell, and in front of her the houses began to shake and shift until they split revealing another house, the headquarters. River followed him to the entrance as he held the door for her. Inside was nothing special, if anything it was very homely. She heard voices and muttering.

Moody stomped through the house, and then entered a room full of people, she walked in behind him and saw familiar faces. Molly Weasley ran up to her in excitement, although the circumstances they were all here under weren't excactly good. Moody took a seat at the table. Fred and George leaped out of their seats to greet her, after having not seeing the girl for a while, followed by Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Harry.

As the chaos in the room began to calm she looked around; Arthur, Tonks, Lupin, some people she didn't recognise sat around the table. As she made eye contact with Lupin she smiled sweetly, she didn't know what it was but had always had a soft spot for his charming face, he seemed so caring and gentle. River's eyes were drawn to one man sat at the end of the table, who could have been none other but the infamous Sirius Black.

Sorry for such a boring chapter but i had to set it up:) hope you enjoyed x

Only One - Lupin and Sirius X Female OC Fanfic, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now