1-1 || The Feast (Part I)

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Author's Note:

This story used to be called Crossroads and has been renamed after being unpublished and rebooted/rewritten. It now starts at a point before the original, so the read/vote count is going to look weird, especially when we catch up to the old content.

As a general PSA, my stories are all written in Commonwealth English and use single quotes (' ') for initial dialogue and double quotes (" ") for dialogue within dialogue. As the chapters in this story are quite long, some (most) have been posted in parts to make it easier to read on mobile.

All pieces of artwork (including the cover), are hand-drawn digital illustrations by yours truly, unless stated otherwise. Please do not reuse, trace, or repost without permission.

(ㅅ' ˘ ')♥ Happy reading!



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Seras, the Floating Mountain
Summer, Sun Year 296 A.T. of the Serenian Calendar

In the shadows of the ferns at the edge of the glade, thirteen-year-old Eliah Taitenschild lay in wait. Gentle rays of twilight filtered through the canopy above, reflecting off floating particles of aeonite to illuminate the clearing with a soft azure glow. At its centre was her quarry. The rabbit faced away from her, nose twitching as it took the time to investigate a moss-covered tree root.

It hadn't noticed her yet.

In one fluid movement, Eliah drew an arrow from her quiver and nocked it to her bow.

Her Da had once said that there were three things that made a good hunter:


Ever so slowly, she rose to her feet.


Lining up her aim, she pulled back on the string with a soft but audible creak. Her quarry didn't notice.

And luck.

'Eli! Where'd you go?'

The girl jumped and accidentally let loose. The rabbit squealed as her arrow thudded into the ground beside it and scampered off into the night. Cursing, she nocked another arrow, pulled back the string and aimed it at the young man who had appeared behind her.

With eyes as amber as her own, he glanced from the bow aimed at him to the arrow still quivering in the centre of the glade. 'I take it that was a bad time to shout.'

Eliah glared. 'You better have a good reason for scaring off my game, Aramir.'

'Of course I do.' Aramir jerked his head towards the north. 'Signal fire's been lit. The Titans are returning to the village, which means we need to as well. Don't worry about the rabbit. We've got plenty of forage, and I snagged a deer in a trap near the cliff.'

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