Chapiter 2

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Everyone was reunited in the courtyard of Winterfell to welcome the King and his procession. When he entered, everyone bowed down to him, presenting him their respect. King Robert then approached Ned and stopped before him, telling him to stand up. As he does so, everyone else does the same.

" Your grace," Lord Stark saluted the King. But he doesn't salute him, preferring to observe that Ned had gotten fat. After he said that, Ned only did a once over the King telling him with his eyes that he shouldn't talk as he had put on even more fat than he did. Ned and Robert then both start laughing and embrace. King Robert then descends the rank of the family to meet each individual of the Stark. When the Queen came to greet the Stark, King Robert Baratheon ask Ned to go to the crypts to pay his respects cutting short the greetings. Everyone then scattered through Winterfell.

As dusk came, everyone met in the hall for the feast honouring their majesties the King and Queen of Westeros. Throughout the feast, the as the time pass, the adults became even more drunk gulping wine cup after cup. As for the children, they were only sat the table minding their business talking, but after a moment Arya start to find it boring and decide to throw food at Sansa, which hit her in the face. Everyone at the table then boomed laughing at Sansa. Alaia, who was sat beside Arya saw Robb approach them and turned to face her.

" You shouldn't have done that," she told Arya who looked at her with questions in her eyes but realization hit her when she felt Robb take her telling her it was time for bed. After this moment, the feast continued as if nothing had happened. As the day came to an end, everyone wished each other a good night of sleep, nobody knowing what was waiting for them the next day.


The next day, Lord Stark, the King and other men departed from Winterfall going into the woods to hunt. Bran was watching them leave with Summer, his direwolf,  by his side. As he started to move, making his way to a tower he could climb, Alaia blocked his path.

" Hello Bran, where are you going?" She began the conversation. "You know what your mother said, no more climbing."

"What my mother doesn't know can't hurt her." He replied to her.

"You promised to her you wouldn't be found climbing ever again," Alaia pleaded him.

"I said I wouldn't be seen climbing again, that doesn't mean I would never go to climb a wall another time." Bran reasoned her. As he spoke, he starts climbing the wall of the tower before them.

"But I see you climbing right now, you've been caught climbing, so you should start to climb down before I go tell Catelyn." As she said that, she saw Bran stop climbing making his way to a window. "What are you doing Bran? Get down now, I won't hesitate to go fetch her mother." She saw Bran set a foot in the window, looking like he struggles to keep steady, but he stops trembling. As she looked at Summer, looking at the direwolf pleading with her eyes as if to say go seek Lady Catelyn, she heard a sound, like someone yelping. She set her eyes on Bran hitting the ground at the base of the tower. She ran to his side, quickly falling on her knees at his side. She fret at him, looking to see if he was still breathing when she was sure he was still alive, she commanded to Summer to stay at his side as she bolted to go look for someone who could take Bran to see Maester Luwin.

When she came back running at Bran with a guard showing him where he was, he took him in his arms running back with Bran to the castle to be looked at by the maester. When all are adrenaline came down after running, she fell down in tears praying to the old gods and the new that Bran would survive if not for her sake, then his family. She knew that if he died, it would be the end of her life because Bran was the only thing that going every day at Winterfell, not that being with the other Stark children was boring, but life with Bran was so much more fun. In only the few months she has been in Winterfell, he had taken her on so many adventures, she didn't have that with Sansa, who would prefer to sew all day, nor with Arya, who was always practising her archery to prove she could be better than any man, Alaia would prefer die than be found sewing and her days were already filled with practice, it was fun to change and Bran gave that to her, a new way of living.

As she cried, she saw Catelyn make her way to Bran's room. Getting up, she rushed to Cat repeating that she was sorry that she had reminded him that he shouldn't be climbing because she had asked him not to and she should have been more persistent on making him climb down from the tower. Catelyn took her in her arms, whispering in her ear that he wasn't her fault and that it was him that had decided to go up the tower even though he had promised he wouldn't anymore that she had done everything in her power to get him down on the ground. As they both cried together in the embrace of one another, Maester Luwin came to find them reassuring them that Bran would likely survive the fall if he didn't come up with anything else. Cat and Alaia both sigh in relief, but Maester Luwin hadn't finished. He told them that it was likely that Bran wouldn't be able the ever walk again after a fall like this. Both their faces fell both they told themselves it was better to have him alive without being able to walk than to not have him at all.

The days that followed, Cat and Alaia stayed by Bran side, never leaving him alone in cased he would wake up. They wouldn't want him to be alone in the dark room by himself, not comprehending what had happened to him and not understanding why he couldn't walk anymore. He would need all the comfort he could get what that happen. Nearly a month after Bran's fall, it was time for the royal cortège to make his way back to King's Landing accompanied by Lord Stark, the new hand of the King, and his two daughters. The King and his children first came to say goodbye to them. Then Queen Cercei wishing Bran's recovery. After her came Jon. When he entered, Alaia lunged at him, squeezing him hard in a hug since he was departing for the wall on the very same day, but Catelyn quickly told him to leave after he said a few words to Bran, Alaia and Ned looking the confrontation. As Jon made his way to get out the door, he signals to Alaia to come with him, leaving Lord and Lady Stark to speak. As soon as Lord Eddard left the room, Alaia made her way back into Bran's room, never leaving his and Lady Catelyn's side.

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