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Valentina's POV:

Suddenly something pushed out of the box before I could open it.

I screamed in shock.

I saw hands coming out of the box.

"What the hell?", I whisper in shock.

Suddenly Stacy and Ryan jumped from inside the box

"SURPRISE!", they shout together laughing.

"OH MY GOD!", I shout crazy hands on my mouth.

They laugh at me. Stacy blew me a flying kiss.

I ran and jumped on them hugging them.

"I can't believe it's you guys!", I shout excitedly.

"Surprise successful yay!", Ryan laughed.

I release them from the hug and see all my brothers and Dad grinning at me.

"You knew about this?", I ask shocked.

"Yeah I got a call from them from Texas saying that they want to come visit you in New York for your birthday as a surprise", Ales smiled.

"Yeah we thought of surprising you on your birthday but your brother told us you're going to be in Italy that day so we decided to give you a pre- birthday surprise gift!", Stacy smiled and winked at me.

"Yeah we thought of getting inside this box and asked your family to pretend like its a package for you so when you open the box we can surprise you and boy was your reaction worth it", Ryan laughed.

"Holy shit. You guys planned all this and I didn't even know", I smiled shocked

"We asked them to come one day early so you can spend time with them till tomorrow afternoon before we leave for Italy and they leave for Texas", Dad smiled

"Yeah we can't miss school for long anyway. We have exams next week", smiled Ryan

I nod smiling.

"Well do you plan on coming out of the box yet?", chuckled Enzo.

"Oh yeah", Stacy laughed and we helped them come out of the box.

Once they were out of the box I hugged them again. I almost cried.

"I'm so happy you guys came", I tell them.

"Of course we came! It's your 16th birthday after all", Stacy smiled.

"Come let me introduce you to my family", I say

They nod.

"This is my Dad", I point towards Dad

"Hello Mr Costello", Ryan and Stacy greet him.

"Hello Ryan and Stacy. Nice to meet you", he smiled

"These are my brothers. The eldest Alessandro, then Elijah, Lorenzo, Xander, Xavier and Matteo", I introduce.

"We're so happy to finally meet you", Elijah smiled

"Yeah Val speaks so much about her two best friends from Texas", Enzo smiled

"We're glad you came", Ales said

"It's a pleasure meeting you. She's told us a lot about you as well", Ryan smiled.

"That's Ben. He's a family friend and like a seventh brother to me", I smiled

"Oh so you're Ben", Stacy narrowed her eyes.

"Wait you're the one who tried to threaten me?", Ben frowned.

"Threaten?", I ask confused

"Yeah she said she will come and whoop my ass and punch me on the face", Ben frowned

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