Letter 8 - Move out

140 8 2

December 14, 2020

5:36 PM

Wonwoo entered the apartment as he saw Mingyu sleeping on his computer


Wonwoo tried to gently placed the plastic bag that contains MIngyu's dinner but as soon as he dropped it on the table, Mingyu woke up from the noice

"O-oh... H-here's your dinner i guess..." Wonwoo shyly said as Mingyu looked at the food

"Thanks..." Mingyu smiled at the other as Wonwoo started going red

"So... about last night.... What happened?" Mingyu asked the other

"Oh we were at the party right? you drank like 7 bottles, you got drunk, Soonyoung begged me to bring you home, I had a fight with my girlfriend, seokmin carried you to my car, i drove us home... and..."

"And what?!" Mingyu suddenly stood up

"Did something happened that night?!" Mingyu yelled in complete confusion

"We s-slept in one bed" Wonwoo finally said it

"What?!" Mingyu Shouted


"W-we Slept? We..."

"Ugh, n-no! Not that way I meant we slept like Sleep in one bed... specifically I-in your bed" said Wonwoo, still red 

"O-oh... okay"

Silence and awkwardness started filling in as the two stared at each other before Wonwoo broke the eye contact

"Y-You should eat" Said Wonwoo

"How about you, aren't you hungry?" the younger asked

"I'm okay..."

"You sure?" Mingyu looked at the other with a concerning look

"Yes..." Wonwoo smiled at the other making Mingyu melt

December 15, 2020

Dahlia High School

7:24 AM

"Hey Motherfuckers!!!" Minghao barged in the classroom leaving everyone shook... including the... heteroes...

"Hey baby, how are you? does your ass still hurt from last time?" Said Jun

"Yah! Don't talk about your Sex life in this classroom you disgusting faggots" said Seokmin... probably jealous

"Shut up DK, its not like your not a faggot yourself...." a Wild Soonyoung appeared and joined the convo

"Ugh..." Seokmin ignored

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