Chapter 5- wtf

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You looked at him, evident fear and unsattisfaction on your face. You continued to struggle, while the man continued to hold you, that's when you noticed the other in the room. Who were these people?! You could briefly remember the face of the guy who actually did the kidnapping, and these people were not that guy.

Plus why did he say this was your home? You were pretty sure that your home was at the small broken down house you lived in. At this point you were just doing anything to get this mans hands off of you, wether it was screaming until he shut you up, or kicking his dick, you just wanted out. This man was probably a pervert who was going to force you to (stuff) with him and then just leave you on the streets after.

"I-I don't live here, let ME GO" you screamed at him, still struggling, but this time repeatedly smacking the back of his neck. He was holding your waist extremely tight and this limited movement in your arms.

"Are you ready to go see your mother now? She probably misses you?" He asked, ignoring your futile attempts at escape. And finally sitting you directly beside him, patting your back very slowly. While the other left the room to go tell the family you were ready, and getting surprised by the small crowd hoarded outside the door.

"What are you guys doing over here, if she were to walk out right now she would feighnt" he whisper yelled at the people, he had taken up the space of "grandfather", so everyone in the family respected him.

"Sorry grandfather, can we see her though? I really want to see her up close again!" He also whisper yelled back at his grandad, and trying to peak over his shoulder to see you.

"No, right now we should start off with evangeline, and we can go from there, you guys haven't seen how scared she was, but judging on your position, I'll say you heard all of it."he spoke, loud this time but not loud enough to alarm you.

Evangeline or your mother perked up at her name, out of all the people there, she was probably the one who wanted to see you most. And that was saying a lot considering how utterly obsessed this family was with you.

They had spent all night debating what to tell you, a lie that even you would believe, they also had to put a room together but that isn't as important. And by your current mental state, they could assume you would believe it, or at least they hoped so, they really didn't want to keep you against your will, but they would if they had too.

Back with you, you had been looking around the room for a different escape route, well you were until the door opened again and ample women with wavy gray hair came in, and stared at you with... love in her eyes?!

"Oh darling I'm sorry I wasn't there, it must have been so scary when they hurt you, I promise I won't let it happen anymore." She said and walked over to you, bringing her hand up to caress your cheek. While you stared at her, frozen in fear, what the hell was she talking about? This made no sense to you. It's kinda obvious she knew about the whole "my parents abuse me and I need help" thing. But who is she to care anyway?

"Who are you people? No why am I here, if this is some sick joke it definitely isn't funny." You said, and caused frowns to replace the creepy smiles that were there before. She sat down next to you and put her hand on your shoulder, rubbing slow circles down and up your arm.  While the man, whom you were guessing was her husband, was still patting your back.

It would have felt nice... you know if they hadn't kidnapped you and all. You were never used to affection, so the odd feeling of satisfaction had been bubbling up inside of you.

"Honey it's a long story, so I need you to listen for a moment. Please don't interrupt us until we are done. Okay? Your "father" asked, and looked at you intently. Here is where the lies start

"O-ok" you stuttered and froze up again.

"Well it started when I had a beautiful baby girl, the whole family loved her so much." The lady, or "mother" spoke to you.


"Until one day, someone came and took her from us, in the middle of the night, when no one could hear her cries" your "father spoke to you, hoping that all his heart this would work.


"We searched for months, years even, but we were never able to find her. We were all so sad, and since then we had never been the same" evangeline spoke to you, now pushing all of the hair out of your face.


"But, one day we saw you, and we dug up a few things and did a few tests and we had finally found you babygirl, I can't believe it"  he said,
And brought his face close to yours, giving you a kiss on the forehead.


Back with the rest of the family:

"Man, they're really putting on a good show aren't they?"one of the men in the hallway asked. Motioning to the screen with the camera footage on it, displaying your face, and the others "intimate" talk.

"Yeah, I just want them to be don't so we can go see her, and show her around the house" another answered, also staring at the display screen.

——-back to you——-
"What about my brother, b/n? I love him with all my heart a-and there's no way I could leave him like that." You spoke, not believing these people one bit, you had read enough on kidnappings to know that they were trying to manipulate you. But then again, they do seem genuine... this made no sense at all.

"He's not your brother, and you won't see him again. We love you and that's all that counts. Plus you have six brothers waiting to meet you, probably eavesdropping right now" your alleged "father" spoke to you in a stern tone, almost as if he were scolding a young child.

The indication itself made you tear up, b/n was the only thing motivating you to stay alive, your life revolves around his needs over yours, you couldn't just leave him for some freaky family, who says your part of them.

"What the fuck, let me go you sickos!"
Bam bam baaaamammmmmm, I'm not very happy with this chapter, and I'm probably going to go back and edit later.

Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, this is being typed on my phone, and I'm just tired in general. Plus I don't have my glasses on. Sorry for the late update though!

What is your favorite color? Mine is maroon red :)

Goodnight, I hope you guys have had a good day!!!!


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