Chapter 19

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Not long after they returned from their ride, Georgiana knocked on Elizabeth's door. Elizabeth called for her to enter, and was amused by the hopeful smile on her sister-in-law's face.

"How was your ride?" Georgiana asked.

"Quite lovely, actually," Elizabeth said with a small smile. "We very much enjoyed one another's company."

Georgiana was much too well-raised to squeal in delight, but she did have to stifle the urge to do so.

"Nothing could make me happier to hear," she said.

"We are to have dinner tonight," said Elizabeth. "Well, we always have dinner. But I believe that tonight will be special. Would you help me choose a dress?"

"I would be delighted!" said Georgiana. "It is very convenient that I had planned to take dinner in my room tonight."

"You need not miss dinner!" said Elizabeth. "That was not my intention in telling you."

"There is no possible way that you could convince me to eat in the dining room tonight," said Georgiana. "Not with such a very important meeting taking place."

Elizabeth smiled and was once again grateful for Georgiana's tact and intuition.

"Let us look at my dresses, then," she said, and they spent a lovely hour trying on different dresses and laughing. Elizabeth thought about how it had already been a perfect day, and it was not even time for dinner yet. She hoped that her luck would hold throughout the meal.


Darcy's time prior to dinner was much less peaceful, and involved quite a bit more pacing. He did not know what brought about Elizabeth's change of opinion. After their drive, he was certain that she was not trying to trap him into anything. There had been no artifice on her face during their walk. She had been legitimately happy, which had made him happy as well.

But now, he knew, was a risky time for him. If he tried to advance their relationship too quickly, she might startle and withdraw. Darcy had come too far to go back to her disliking him. He thought back to the feeling of her delicate hand in his, of her leg touching his as they sat in the curricle. Every inch of him had been on fire to be so near to her. When he had raised her hand to his lips, it was all he could do to refrain from kissing her sweet mouth. He had to calm himself. Things were going well between the two of them, and it would not do to spook her by moving faster than she wanted.

Darcy dressed mindlessly for dinner, grateful for the fact that his valet was there to handle the details. Once he was finally properly dressed, he had the idea to escort Elizabeth to the dining room. He walked out of his study and down the hall to her sitting room. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

Elizabeth looked up from her embroidery. She had dressed early in anticipation and then taken up her needlework to pass the time until dinner. It was still several minutes before it would be time to descend, so she was surprised to hear the knock. She called for the person to enter.

Darcy stepped in and took in the picture of Elizabeth sitting with her embroidery. She was dressed in a dinner gown with a striking pink overlay on a white dress. He was momentarily distracted by the cut of her neckline, which was a bit lower than the dinner dresses she typically wore. It was clear that she had dressed to her best advantage, and Darcy thought that she had been overwhelmingly successful in doing so.

"My lady," he said, with a formal bow. "May I escort you to dinner?"

She smiled at him. "Of course," she said. He offered her his arm and then there she was again, pressed up against his side. Darcy had to remind himself to breathe. He escorted her downstairs to the dining room, where he had arranged for a surprise.

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