Tears Are Words That Need To Be Written

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Knock, Knock, Knock* "Hang on," Jessie said. He opened the door to his younger brother Sky standing there. "Where's mom and dad?" Jessie asked "They left earlier" Sky replied. "Who's yelling, and why?" He asked "I don't know, but it's coming from the last room on the left" Sky explained "Last room on the.. That's Jordyn's room!!" He exclaimed. He ran down the hall as fast as he could, opened my door to find me yelling in my sleep. "Jordyn, Jordyn, wake up! Wake up!" He yelled "NO!" I yelled, "Hey, hey. It's just me, it's just me. Jordyn, look at me, look at me. It's me, it's just me, okay" Jessie said "Are you okay?" He asked. "Uh.. Yeah, yeah I think so. What happened?" I asked "What happened? Jordyn you were yelling" Jessie replied "I was?" "Yeah, loudly" He replied, "What was happening?" Sky asked, as he walked into the room "I was just having a nightmare about something. I don't remember what though" I replied. "Oh, well. Are you okay now?" Sky asked, "Yeah, I think. Thanks" I said. I'm still not sure what happened, but it was so sad and so scary. I knew every second that passed, that means that there is just another that's waiting for me to have to yell and be scared for that one second. I know that is a little bit weird, but to me it makes sense.

I walked downstairs and Jessie was in the kitchen and Sky was in the living room. "Hey, whatcha makin?" I asked, "Yeah Jess, what are you making?" Sky also asked, "Well, I was making breakfast" He replied "Was?" I said "Yes. Cause it's done now" He replied "Oh, cool. What did you make?" I asked "You are full of questions aren't you?" He said sarcastically. "Yep that's me" I chuckled "Well, I heard you say you like pancakes, and I also heard you like eggs. So I made both" "Pancakes and scrambled eggs, anyone?" He asked in a funny tone. Me and Sky just laughed for some reason, I guess what he said was funny to us.

As we ate the phone rang and Sky picked it up, "Hello? Uh, yes, she is. Oh, Okay. Here" He said, giving me the phone "Um, Hello?" I answered "Baby?" Elijah said "What do you want?" I said "Who is it?" Jessie whispered. I gestured to him to wait a second, as I got up to talk to Elijah. "You can't do this, Elijah. Not right now" I said "Why, why can't I? Why can't I make sure you are okay?" He asked "Because.. Because I can't. I can't deal with you calling me all the time." I explained "Well, that kinda makes sense. But that's not entirely fair" He said "I'm only gonna ask this once, and this once" I said "What, what is it?" He asked "I'm not asking actually. I'm telling you. Leave me alone!" I demanded "But.." "NO BUTS! Leave me alone. I can't have you calling me all the time and bothering me. I left for a reason, and that reason was to find something BY MYSELF. And you calling me isn't helping. So stop calling, stop trying to get a hold of me, stop wondering where and how I am. Just leave me ALONE!" I explained. I hung up after saying that, and hadn't realized I walked almost to the other side of the house, and was in this back room, empty room at that. I slid my back down the wall in tears, not because I was sad but because I knew he was. I knew asking him or telling him to leave me alone was going to hurt him. But at the time I was willing to hurt him for freedom. And I know that sounds selfish, but it's true. Sometimes you have to hurt those you love to be free, and that is what I had to do.

I had to hurt Elijah..and Evan, but I know that either I will go back there some day or they will just forget about me and move on. I just hope if I do go back, nothing big has changed. Like I don't want Elijah to replace me with another girl but who knows. Would he do that? 

Tears Of SorrowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora