Chapter 18: Alexandrite

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"Give me my robe, put on my crown; I have immortal longings in me." -William Shakespeare


"Out of all the colors in the spectrum, he thought this one would be a good one to hide a spell inside of?" Idriel exclaims as she stares at her reflection. Her hair is a shade of red-orange that was, of course, one of the last colors her and Thranduil had tried.

"Why are you fretting about this?" Thranduil asks. "We know the spell, and now we can fix this...well, part of it."

Idriel rolls her eyes. "Thranduil, I promise, no one is infiltrating this castle. My father did have an enemy, but he's dead."

Thranduil says quietly, "You are wrong."

"How are you so sure?"

"Magic is not the cause of evil--people are."

Idriel sighs. "Let's not fight right now; instead, let's reinforce this spell so Aeldyn won't shatter. After that, I promise we can search for an infiltrator."

Thranduil nods stiffly. "Get dressed in fighting gear." At her questioning glance, he adds, "If we're looking for a villain we need to be prepared. Just do it, please."

"Alright." Idriel shoos him out of her bedroom, kissing him lightly before closing the door. Thranduil lingers outside, gazing out the window. Idriel told him that the only enemy they could possibly be facing would be an elf who goes by Treyt. Apparently he and her father had been close friends after they left Mirkwood, but quarreled severely one evening and never saw each other again. Word soon spread that Treyt had taken his own life. Thranduil doesn't believe the last part.

Idriel exits her bedroom clad in battle gear. "Ready?"

Thranduil turns around and nods, taking her hand as they start the descent from her tower to the front gates.

"Can I tell you something?" Idriel asks softly.


"After I left Mirkwood and my father became king here, I didn't see him once," she says. "The last time I saw him was at his coronation. He stayed locked up in his bedroom with guards outside. If someone needed to speak with him, they spoke through the guards. Treyt was the only one allowed inside."

"He didn't want to see you?"

Idriel shrugs. "I do not know if he did not want to see me or if he just could not."

"Why wouldn't he be able to?"

"Exactly." She frowns. "Even at his funeral, he had a closed coffin. With a padlock. So, when I became queen I promised not to be shut off. I would rule with an iron fist and make sure people saw me do it."

"That's good. Most heirs would follow in their parent's footsteps." They reach the main entrance. Idriel orders the guards to call for an evacuation--she doesn't want anyone inside in case something goes wrong--and soon every elf is outside waiting.

Idriel pulls Thranduil aside. "Guide them to a safe distance. I don't know if this will work."

"It will," he responds confidently, "but I want to be by your side. Can't one of the guards lead them?"

"I don't trust them like I trust you. Please? I will be fine, I promise."

"How can you promise for the future?"

"The future has been in my favor lately."

Thranduil reaches down, kissing her hard before he goes. He whispers an old informal phrase they said to one another when they were younger to show that the world was theirs. "You got this."

Idriel squeezes his hand and grins before letting him go. She watches her people go to safety and turns to her fragmenting kingdom.


Treyt touches the photograph on the wall softly and smiles, whispering, "Your death will be avenged."

"Still mourning?" A voice says behind him. He turns quickly, recognizing the voice is not Juwin's, then smiles.

"I've been expecting you," he says to Thranduil with a cackle. "I knew you'd figure it out." Thranduil remains silent, eyeing Treyt carefully. "You know I have to kill you. Why'd you come?"

It's Thranduil's turn to laugh. "Do you think I am going to let you take over Idriel's realm as well as mine? You are foolish."

"Father never thought so," Treyt says quietly. "He liked me best."

Thranduil rolls his eyes, suppressing a groan. "Do not make this a battle of the brothers. No one knows you exist."

"Half-brothers," Treyt snaps. "I might've been banished, but I still kept watch. You made the same mistake father did. Two lovers." He shook his head in disapproval. "One is not good enough, is it?"

"Father's affair was intentional. He hated his first wife--"

"Your mother."

"--and loved the second woman--"

"My mother."

"--yet he still gave you up."

Treyt frowns. "He only liked you better because you met his expectations. I never said I minded being banished. I didn't want your life; it was too good. That's why I was pleased when you--how should I say?--slipped."

"Can we end this?" Thranduil asks, unsheathing his sword. "I have someone to get back to."

Treyt mimics him. "Someone you love?"

"Very much, yes."

Treyt laughs darkly. "Oh brother, haven't they ever told you?" He lunges forward with blinding speed, his sword coming to a halt right at Thranduil's throat. "Love is a weakness."

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