Chapter 22

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"Why weren't you at work today?" Wes asked as soon as I picked up the phone and accepted his call.

"Hey, how are you? Good? Yea, me too, thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.

"So? Why weren't you at work today." He ignored me, making me role my eyes with a smile on my face.

"My dad wanted to talk business." I replied, leaving out the details.

"Oh, well ok."

"Yea, I'll tell you in person. I'm exhausted and I don't feel so great right now. Maybe I'm getting sick as well." I explained and pulled the blanket over me.

"Not you too." He groaned, making me raise my eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Harry went home early from work today because he felt sick. I must've infected you both. My bad." He expained and I just nodded my head even though he couldn't see.

"Okay then. I guess I'm going to take a nap now. I'll talk to you later?" I asked and he agreed before we hang up.

Within minutes I was fast asleep not only because I was getting sick but also because I haven't slept at all last night so it was really needed.

I was woken up a couple hours later by someone knocking on my door, loudly so I got up with a groan to open the door.

"I got you tea, healthy snacks, medicine and a stuffed teddy bear for you to cuddle since you're probably lonely." Wes said and handed me one of the two paper bags he was holding.

"Thanks Wes, you didn't have to." I shook my head but he just waved me off.

"I'm probably the reason you're sick and since I feel just a little better than you I thought I would bring you some stuff to survive. I had to go grocery shopping anyways and my medicine was empty too." He shrugged as it was no big deal but I could hear the rasp in his voice and he probably still felt shitty just like me.

"You're my hero." I replied hugging the teddy bear to me.

"Anything for you're annoying ass." He chuckled and I joined him.

"Alright, I gotta go make a stop at Harry's. I'll check in later with you, yea?"

"Ok sure. Thanks again." I called after him and soon he disappeared as the elevator doors shut.

I closed the door and unpacked the bag with all the stuff Wes got me. With the last energy I had I cut myself one of the Mango's that were in the bag and downed some medicine before falling back into my bed.

The rest of the day and the whole next day I spend with watching a new show on Netflix and a lot of sleeping.

At around 3 in the morning I had slept so much that I was just staring at the ceiling, cuddled up in my blankets.

Half an hour later I got up and went to make myself some soup. I didn't bother to turn any lights on except a small lamp under my kitchen cupboard so I wouldn't spill any hot soup on myself.

I had a fuzzy blanket draped over my shoulders since the warm pyjamas and my fluffy rope weren't enough to keep me warm. In times like these I just wish I had someone so share their body warmth with me.

Whenever I was sick I turned into the most cuddly person ever and having no one here was a little sad.

I curled up on the couch with a bowl of soup and ate in silence. So many thoughts were running through my mind that it started being annoying.

My dad had me sign some stuff earlier today and the day of me overtaking the company was coming up way too soon.

My parents gave me a catalog with office furniture and I had to pick out some stuff for my new office even though I told them anything would be just find but they insisted on having me pick out everything new and give them the list by the end of the week.

At beginning of the week after that there would a fitting for the cover shoot and for the party that will be held on the last day of my dad being the CEO. Kind of like a retirement party for my dad but at the same time a party to officiate me being the new CEO.

There will also be a meeting with my dad and his most important employees to officially announce the change before telling the news to the whole company.

And of course lots and lots of papers had to be signed. How wonderful.

I spend the rest of the night/early morning picking out furniture for my office and also thought about my living situation.

Should I still live here? Should I buy a house?

The more I thought about everything the scarier it got. I loved how my life was like now even more than how it's used to be and I was afraid that everything was going to drastically change.

I mean it will change but I won't let it change me.


short chapter since I left yall hanging for a couple weeks sorryyyy

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