Chapter 4

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As I woke up next day, I looked like a complete mess. But how well I slept, finally. I didn't want to get up, so I was laying in bed, looking at the wall in front of me.


What about Cypher?

I roll to the other side slowly and see a person, with his head laying on his chest and arms crossed. His hat slowly slides off his head, falling to the ground. I sit up and move to the edge, slowly picking it up and placing it back on his head, carefully. He twitched and raised his head, his mechanic pupils setting the focus on me.

- Laria. Good morning. - He says in a husky, tired voice.

- Ah, I'm sorry. - I quickly answer, worried I woke him up.

- No worries, I have a really light sleep.

I frown, not so sure about that. Also, why didn't he just leave right after I fell asleep?

- Why did you stay? - it just jumps out of my mouth, uncontrollably.

- I need to guard you. It's my duty. Don't take it... personally, in any way.

- I didn't even intend to. - I snort. - Anyway, I can make some good breakfast! I think. - I want to repay. Anyhow, and get him off my mind.

- I don't trust you with my kitchen.

- You don't trust me with anything.


That girl. Is intriguing. She seems to be quickly adapting to the situation, no matter what it is. Yesterday she was terrified of me, and today she tries to become my friend. She thinks I don't know what she's trying to do? How foolish. I know everything. I smirk under the mask, observing as she makes her way out of the room. I need to watch her every move.

- Stop looking at me so intensively, please - she says, with not so happy expression.

- Ah, forgive me, I got lost in thoughts. What will you prepare, then, chief?

- Something good. - she replies, so sure she will succeed. But for a moment I can notice slight confusion on her face. She doesn't know anything about cooking. That's for sure.

- Oh, chief has no idea what to make? Let the assistant take a lead then. - I say, adding a small tease.

She giggles.

That means she feels safe.

How naive, how quickly she trusts people. She's never seen my face even, and she already wants to get close. [y/n], you think I don't know what you're like?

- You're staring again.

I pop out of my thoughts, lost for a moment. Right. Food. Um, breakfast.

I take out ingredients and put them on the table.

- Come here. I'll show you how to prepare pancakes.

I feel like with a kid. But considering the years she's wasted being tested and experimented with, she functions pretty well in a society. Finding her place she's settled down and lived her life. I wonder what her abilities could do to my gadgets... I need to take her to my workplace someday.

If it comes even.

Not that I hope she'll die on the first mission. Of course, not. She might be a valuable team member, and most importantly, an interesting addition to my gadgets.

- You suck. I did everything by myself. - I hear her mumble beside me, seeing her already preparing food. So she can cook. Interesting.


Amped up || Cypher x Reader (VALORANT)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora