14 Tacos

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Radia shoves her taco in her mouth, the hard shell cracking.

I scoop up rice onto my fork. I noticed this restaurant the other day when Charlie and I walked past it after delivering the letters. I've been buying and cooking her food while she searches for a job. Charlie's paying me after each day of work for now. It was a surprise to find out I knew how to cook. Nothing major but enough not to starve and to be satisfied with the taste.

The restaurant is full of people, their voices a buzz in the air. There's a smell of spice and roasted vegetables that hang over the tables and only serves to make me want to eat more.

Radia sets her taco down, the wax paper lining the metal tray crinkling. "I'm interviewing at two places for an assistant position. One's at the news offices and the other is at a bank. You're lucky Tye pushed you to go for your job." She doesn't say it, but I know from her diverted gaze that she wonders why Tye didn't also try to get her to interview for my job.

Radia is proof that it can take days to find a job. No job means no food.

"How do you feel about them? Do you think you have a chance?"

She picks up a chip. "I do. The people I would be working for are a lot older than me. I don't know if I could have a boss who's only a year older than I am."

I shrug, digging my fork into my beans. "He's okay. I don't spend much time with him. He has me come in after he's already started working."

She grabs another chip and cracks it in half. "He must be having inappropriate thoughts about you and is trying to keep you away."

I nearly choke on my beans. "Radia, no."

"I'll talk to Tye, see what he thinks."

            I point my fork at her. "Don't you dare."

            She raises the taco to her lips, hiding unsuccessfully a smile. With a groan, I sink down in my seat and can only hope she gets a job soon so she won't have so much free time to use on ruining my very new life.

A friendly reminder that you're amazing. I hope you're having a great day.

Keep counting those fingers.


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