Frozen Was A Diversion

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Disney's frozen may have been created as a distraction. Let me explain. A well-known, long-standing legend claims Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen in order to be brought back to life one day in the future.

There are even urban legends that his body is frozen somewhere in Disney World. But the theory gets even crazier when you open up your internet browser and search 'Disney Frozen'. Ever since the film was released in 2013, the search terms will no longer yield wild conspiracies about the supposedly-deceased celebrity. Instead, it brings up images of princesses and snowmen.

Theorists suggest that this was completely intentional. They say it's a design by the Disney estate to quash discussion of the cryogenic theory once and for all. Coincidence? Maybe. But the theory does begin to unravel when you realize that simply adding 'Walt' before the search terms will still bring up the old urban legend.

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