30: Drunk Xander

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Sorry for the mistakes

Sia's pov

Today was a hectic day, I didn't know any person who came in the reception except my family.

X continued ignoring me like I don't exist, not that I'm complaining its just that it's not like him.

Right now, I'm in the car with X, going to his penthouse. He is still ignoring me, I'm sure that he's planning something big.

We reached his house and I realised that it was the same house where I had so many memories, the same house where he told me that it was all his plan, the same house where he abandoned me, the same house where I confessed my unconditional love and the same house where he crushed my heart into pieces.

I  was dreading to go inside the penthouse that I didn't realise I've stopped walking, and for the first time since our wedding X spoke by turning back.

" We don't have whole day, Wifey " He said mocking me

Without thinking or saying anything, I went inside the house and before I could do anything he spoke with his cold voice

" I see you told your so called brother about me " he said taunting me

I chose to ignore

" Didn't you tell your brother that whatever he said or did to me, I'll pay you back. with interest " he threatened me

I kept my mouth shut which instigate him even more

" What, Cat got your tongue, you don't have anything to say?? " He said

" I'm tired and going to sleep " saying this I started taking the stairs but he was fast enough to stop me

" Not so fast, Wifey " he said pulling me closer by my arms

" I see from the past few days you are so happy, you got the chance to marry The Xander Black, you fucking insulted me, you did that ring stunt, and then your little brother have the audacity to fucking hit me and give me lectures " the pitch of his voice was increasing every passing second

" And the most important thing is you thought that I will spare you, huh??" He spoke calmly, I could feel the calmness before the storm

" Ok, fine fine You are my Wifey , so I'm gonna reduce your miseries" he said

" Leave me Mr. Black " I said

" See this, this is your problem. Can't you see that your God like husband is talking to you?" He said

" So, here are the rule which you have to follow if you want no more drama " he said leaving my arms

" Rule no. 1: you're not allowed to go anywhere outside this house "
" Rule no. 2: you're going to address me as Mr. Black.....umm no wait, Sir, call me Sir only "
" Rule no. 3: You are going to do all the household chores, from cleaning to cooking everything. In short you are my Personal Maid "
" Umm thats it for now, I'll add other rules later, ok bitch " he said mocking me

" What made you think that I'm gonna follow your childish rules?? " I asked him straight

" Umm your family? you want to see them happy, right? " He smirked evilly

Saying this he was about to leave but stopped and said " and yes one more thing, you are going to live in my room and remember you will face consequences if you don't do what I say " with this he left

His room? Is he on something or what?

So that's why he wasn't speaking anything because his evil mind was busy in planning and plotting.

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