outtake: the proposal

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Matt was planning something.

You knew this because after being with him for four years, you knew him inside and out. So you knew he was acting strange. Strange enough that Henry noticed the way his father was acting.

"What's Dada doing?" Henry asks, watching his father literally tip toe to the coat rack and slowly put on his jacket as if doing it slowly makes him invisible.

"Being a fool." You replied, rolling your eyes as you watched him quietly leave the house. You turn your attention back to the toddler sitting in front of you who is looking more and more like his father every day. Hair curly and out of control and eyes the same colour blue, he looks exactly like the mini Matthew you were expecting.

"What's a fool?" Henry asks.

"It's a silly person." You tell him, tickling his sides and laughing when he squeals and jumps on you wrapping his arms around your neck and snuggling into you. You treasure these small moments you have with Henry because with the new baby due any day now, your little family of three will become four.

And you can't wait.

. . .

"Can I take you out tonight?" Matt asks while you're eating dinner a few days later.

"Date night isn't until Thursday." You remind him, because there's no way you can get a sitter on such short notice.

"Noah said he would watch Henry."

You raise an eyebrow at him in disbelief. "I'm not trusting Hanifin to babysit our child. Do you not remember what happened last time?"

He winces and you know he's thinking back to the walls covered in permanent marker and the flood in the bathroom.

"Becca said she would come over too."

The short notice and secrecy is strange and it bothers you a little but you shrug and agree.


His face lights up and he nods, shovelling the rest of his food in his mouth as if he was raised by wolves.

Chantal would be very disappointed.

After you finish dinner, Matt rushes you to get ready, telling you that he will clean up the dishes and start getting Henry ready for bedtime.

When Becca and Noah show up, Matt leads you out to his car and opens the door for you like the true gentleman he's turned into. You find things that make you fall in love with him even more every single day.

"Can you tell me where we're going, or is it a surprise again?" You ask, smiling when he grins.

"When have I ever not surprised you when it comes to date night?"

"Fair point." You say, looking out the window and trying to figure out where he might be taking you. It's about twenty minutes when you arrive at the destination and it takes a minute before you realize where you are.

"This is the building that the Flames organization uses for charity events." You say and look at the building which has all lights turned off and looks completely deserted.

"It's also where I met you." He says, and you turn to look at him. He has a soft smile on his face and you tilt your head in question but he just shakes his head. "We're not staying."

He pulls out of the parking lot and starts to drive farther into the city until you reach an apartment complex. It takes you a moment before you realize it's his old apartment building.

"Planning on moving back here?" You joke and he laughs but shakes his head.

"This is where you told me I was going to be a father." He says quietly and you hum.

"I was terrified when I was on my way to go tell you." You say, looking back at the building. "I seriously considered turning around and going back home about ten times."

"I'm glad you didn't." He jokes but there's sincerity in his voice too. You turn to look at him again and he's staring at the building too. When he realizes you're looking at him again, he grins and starts driving again.

You've decided by now to not question what his plans are. You know he won't tell you so you just enjoy the quiet time because it's not something you have with him often, not with a little toddler running around.

The next place he brings you is to the clinic you went to when you were pregnant with Henry. You've switched since, choosing to go somewhere closer to where the new house is.

He's quiet for a moment after he parks and you think back to the good and bad memories of this place. From hearing Henry's tint fast heartbeat for the first time to the appointment that Matt missed.

"I thought I lost you here." He says after a couple of minutes. "I knew I messed up and I was convinced you were done with me."

"You made a mistake." You say quietly. "We all do. But you made up for it which is what matters."

A small smile crosses his face. "I thank my lucky stars every day that you forgave me."

You're not sure what to say so you lean towards him the best you can and press your lips to his cheek.

"How could I not?"

He just smiles and kisses you before pulling out of the parking lot and down the street to a McDonald's.

"We went here after our first ultrasound." He says even though you already know. "I just remember sitting there thinking how beautiful you were."

"Sap." You mutter but you can't stop the blush that warms your cheeks. "I'm starting to think this is a trip down memory lane. Where to next?"

He grins and about fifteen minutes later, you find yourself sitting in the parking lot of the hospital where you gave birth to Henry.

"This is where we became a family." He says softly and your eyes start to water. "It's where I realized I was in love with you."

Matt's told you he loves you more times than you can count but each time you hear it, it makes your heart race and butterflies go crazy in your stomach. It's a feeling you hope you never lose.

"One more stop." He murmurs.

You recognize where you are going now, he's taking you home. While going for the drive with him was nice, you'll admit that you're a little disappointed he didn't have more planned. Henry will be asleep by the time you get home so you'll have some alone time at least.

When you get home, Becca and Noah are quick to leave which leaves you a little confused because they would typically stick around a little longer. You miss the look they both give Matt because you suddenly notice that the backyard is lit up. The steps you take towards the back door and outside are tiny as you realize what's happening.

There are lights strung along the white fence lighting up the backyard and flower petals are sprinkled on the grass. You know that Becca and Noah must have set this up while you were gone which explains why Matt brought you for a drive.


You slowly turn around when you hear Matt say your name softly and your eyes instantly fill with tears when you see him kneeling on one knee, grinning like he's gotten away with the world's biggest surprise and really, he has.

A simple looking box holding the most beautiful engagement ring is sitting in his hand.

He clears his throat as you walk towards him and you can see how nervous he is but his smile never wavers.

"I know we didn't really do things traditionally but I don't care because no matter how it happened, it led me to you. It led me to this moment right now. I love you and Henry more than anything in this world and I would love nothing more than to be able to call you my wife." He takes one of your hands in his and squeezes it gently. "So will you marry me?"

You know you'll cry if you try to speak so you just nod, letting him take the ring out of the box and slip it on to your finger where it will stay for the rest of your life. 

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