I Miss You but I Hate You

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November 2025
Rochester, New York

30 minutes earlier

On a road near the exit to Rochester Downtown, a truck crashes into a group of bikers, leaving 7 injuries, 9 casualties and many more still to be confirmed, the ambulances arrive at the site of the crash, among the injured, there were 2 children.

Back at the hospital, Kyle gets paged to the ER. After he is done handing over some of his patients, he makes it down to the ER, he puts on his gloves and his gown as he looks around and shouts "Somebody page Doctor Melton stat" A resident stops in his way and looks at him "Sandoval, Dr. Melton is gone"

Kyle is hit by the realization of that and shakes it off "Right, I knew that, um, I meant to say page the doctor on call, any of them"


The doctor on call shows up at the ER

Kyle stands outside waiting for the ambulances to come in "Doctor, what should we do now?"

"Sandoval, you're a practitioner you know what to do"

"Not yet I'm not, I am graduating soon, but I don't have the privileges to practice in this hospital."

The doctor looks at him and eyes him up and down "Ah yes, well soon enough you'll be one, and from what I've heard a good one, every doctor here loves working with you, not most residents tho, they say you're too hard on them as you are now, imagine once you get licensed, but I bet you surely will miss Melton won't you? I've never seen a doctor and a nurse get along so well outside of work unless you know, not that you two were"

Kyle stares at the doctor and starts to laugh "Yeah he will be missed by many I believe, as for relationships, we were friends but that was it, even if it might have looked like more, he annoyed the living hell out of me, I don't think I'd ever been able to tolerate that daily especially at home"

"HAHAHA, he was a bit intense in earlier years wasn't he? But hey, at least he'll get to grow in Atlanta."

Two years ago

December 13, 2023
Rochester, New York:

After a shift that seemed it came from the gates of hell itself, Kyle takes a quick shower in the hospital, gets dressed, and heads out.

Later that evening Malcolm waits for him at their favorite spot near Lake Ontario. After settling in their booth, Malcolm stands and disappears for five minutes or so, when he returns he comes over to the table accompanied "Kyle this is my friend Marisa, she is a vets assistant, and well there for, love animals"

"It's nice to meet you Marisa" Kyle replied with a sweet smile

"Likewise. So Malcolm here tells me you have a cat"

"Yes, I do" Kyle replies while looking over at Malcolm

A short silence follows, and out of nowhere Malcolm says loudly "Cats are the best, especially he's, that damn cat is the cutest thing I've ever seen, and you know I hate animals."

Marisa puts her purse on the table and tilts her head "HAHAHA then she must be something else if this one likes her"

Kyle sips down his beer and curls his lips "She is, everyone that meets her falls instantly in love with her, and she has a very great personality, a little bitchy, but that makes her even more perfect"

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