Chapter 6: The Fugitives

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Abandoned Airport, 3 hours after The Assault

"What now?"

"We have to split up for now"

"I will go with Zero"

"Good. Jackdaw and Dart will take Rivera and I will get Sparrow and her mysterious sister"

Dart, Rivera, Zero and White go to one of the hangars

"Zero was your doctor, wasn't she?"

"You have an eye for detail, kid"

"So that's why you trust her"

"Well she saved my life. It's the least I can do. Do me a favour and visit Ryan"

"I will. He won't take it well though..."

"I know. He has to know"

"See you in a few months"

"I will keep you updated. Prepare everything for Black Dusk"

Danger gets into a Learjet, along with Sparrow and her sister. He takes off and leaves the USA

"Has she woken up yet?"

"No, thanks to you bashing her"

"Sorry, but I didn't expect your sister of all people to show up"

Sparrow's sister starts waking up

"Where... where am I?"

"Hi sis"


"It's a long story"

"Why are we on an airplane alone? And who is flying?"

"Go to the cockpit"

Sparrow's sister rises up and goes slowly to the cockpit

"Wait. You are the one that saved me..."

"Sit down. I will explain everything"

Sparrow's sister sits at the copilot seat

"What's your name?"

"Ember. Ember Pearl. What about you?"

"You can call me Danger"

"Why is my sister here?"

"It's... complicated. What is concerning you is that the people that attacked us will kill you and your sister if they can"


"They want this organisation, Phoenix, destroyed. Now, go get some sleep, we have some time until we get to Madrid"

"One last thing"


"Don't you have a real name?"

"No, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you"

Ember gets back to her sister

"Forgive Danger, he is not the very polite type. However, he is a master at his job"

"Which is?"

"Killing people"

Madrid, 4 hours later

Danger rings a bell. Ryan opens the door

"It's good to see you again"

"How are you, Ryan?"

"I'm alright. Who is this other girl?"

"She is my sister, Ember"

"Nice to meet you Ember"

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