33. The Last Kiss

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Sick as frick banner by @thesupersmurf The dare winners are @_MustacheCashStash and @LukeyPenguinHug who had pick-up lines so good that I used them in this chapter! EVERYONE'S A WINNER


One thing I'm sure you all know by now is that I am not a morning person. So the next morning when I woke up with a genuine smile on my face feeling like I was floating on clouds, I knew there were such things as miracles. And my miracle was laying right under me.

I stared up at the guy who I'd once sworn to never trust and admired his serene, sleeping face that was void of any mischief, smirks, or conscientiousness. It was crazy how my life turned out  to be wonderful rather than filled with misery and fear like I had expected the day we had met. But crazy was what we were. Our relationship could be summed up by that one word. And I would never in my life wish any different.

My stare must have been quite heavy or maybe my thoughts were too loud because the next minute Nathan stirred and slowly opened his eyes. My stomach flipped just like every other time when he greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning princess." The sleep in his voice making his chest rumble which I was laying on. Oh how I'd missed waking up to him. Every morning for the last three months, this was what I'd longed for, and I was beyond excited to have it back, now more than ever.

"Good morning kidnapper." I smiled back, snuggling closer to his body under the white luxurious sheets.

Nathan let out a laugh, my favorite sound in the world . "Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while."

"Seems like forever ago doesn't it." I mumbled as I lay my head back on his chest with a smile.

"Yeah, we've probably been through more crap than most couples in their eighties." Nathan chuckled.

"Well we haven't reached the horrifying stage of wrinkles and grey hair just yet." I replied.

"Oh you'd still love my wrinkly old butt." Nathan chided and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I see the egotistical part of your brain has fully awakened." I shook my head and rolled off of Nathan, laying on my side and looking at his smirking face.

"That's not the only part of me that has aw--" Nathan started with a dirty smirk.

"Okay now you completely ruined our morning pillow-talk." I cut him off and got up from the bed, dragging the white sheets with me as Nathan continued to laugh at his own joke. "I'm going to take a shower." I added over my shoulder and made my way to the lavish bathroom across the huge room.

"Don't be too long or else I'll just have to join you." He called out.

"It's an open invitation." I called back with a smirk as I reached the door.

"Really?" Nathan asked and I almost laughed at the hopefulness in his voice.

"No." I turned around with a stoic expression just in time to see that flicker of hope die down and a look of disbelief wash over his handsome face. I winked at him, before closing the door and turning to the shower.

"Aw come on, I've already seen everything!" He exclaimed from the other side of the door, making me blush. "Don't you want to help the environment?"

"Of course I do! You can carry me back home on foot to save the earth from pollution." I called back through the door.

"You're truly wicked, you know that?" He groaned.

"Stop moaning and let me take my shower." I reprimanded.

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